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Hypnotizing- to better your life

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I'm considering on buying those cd's or cassettes that supposidly hypnotize you to quit over eating or quit smoking, or to start exercising--all while you're sleeping.


Has anyone tried these before? If so, does it work?

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I've heard that hypnosis can be a good supplement to a good diet and exercise for some people. I watched a television show--"Fit Nation" on FitTV, I think--in which this was discussed. What the people who tried it and the hypnotists said was that hypnosis gives you a calmer mind. Also, the whole point is that the hypnotist gives you certain suggestions during the process. Because you have the calmer mind, you are able to hear and heed those suggestions more successfully when you're fully awake, so that you can take control when you need to.


That is, from what they were saying, hypnosis isn't a magic bullet. But what it's supposed to help you do is think through your choices more thoroughly, rather than just dive into that cigarette or cheesecake on impulse.


Given that, it might be worth a try. For what it's worth... :o

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