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Kissing Cousins!

forbidden fruit

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forbidden fruit

I have a cousin that I have only seen about 5 times in my whole 24 years of life. He is 2 years younger than me. The problem is that there has always been an attraction between the two of us. More so him liking me and me following along. We were drunk one night and we kissed. It was a very passionate kiss, one I will never forget. It is actually ranked high among others I have kissed.


The problem is that I haven't seen him since about 4 years ago when this happened. I have not thought about him since except for the kiss. He got married and I had two kids with my common law husband.


Just recently, i found out that he got a divorce. He stsrted to contact me again. But I have kept things strictly 'family' and nothing more. He has begun to 'flirt' with me again talking about how he wants to do things with me and finish where we left off. He has threatened to tell my b'f about what happened to us in the past. And we are going to visit family in colorado this november for my grandpa's 80th and he's gonna be there along with myself and my bf. I am going to feel awkward and i don't want anyone to know about this. I feel ashamed and embarrassed! What do I do? I can't just 'NOT' go to my grandpa's 80th... I may never see him again! Help!

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What you need to do is take your boyfriend and go to your Grandpa's party. That party is important!!! Other then that have you ever read the story "Flowers from the Attic". I know that it is about a brother and sister love but it's still a family situation.


There is nothing I can tell you to not think about your cousin in that way. Imagine what your family would think about that. That wouldn't go over well. Plus you have children and a boyfriend. Do you really like you cousin???


Now... If your cousin threatens to tell your boyfriend about that then just say you got drunk and he took advantage of you. Make sure you say all he did was kiss me... You might want to have that talk with your boyfriend before you go to this party. That way you can tell your cousin that your boyfriend already knows. So, then he will give up on that thought. Maybe you should really tell your boyfriend about him. I would if I was you!!!

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call him bluff.... and bring your b/f. If he threatens you, don't say anything and just ignore him. If he does the dumb thing, give your side of the story and say that he coerced you into the situation. I wouldn't panic over it. It's something you can handle; it's your word against his. He's hoping to pull a fast one and see if he can get you to snap. If he blows things out of the water, it'll look just as bad for him. Don't think he's that dumb.

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Theres a very important lesson in this. Don't make out with your cousin. I'm just kidding. The two posts above provide you with all the information you need. Good luck.

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You are HIS cousin too, so if there are gonna be any barbs thrown they are going to go both ways. There is no way he will tell. This is a deep dark secret/fantasy and it will stay that way.

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