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Ready to throw in the towel!

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Is it just me, or is he a selfish jerk? okay this is my situation.... i've known this guy for 6 years. We've always kept in touch through out the years. I decided to visit this guy at his home town in Jersey. I have to admit. I fell in love with him. He was sweet, had great manners and treated me like a queen. We had so much in common. We would talk about me moving to Jersey after a few drinks over dinner, but the next morning the subject would never be brought up.

I finally brought it up sober. He quickly said yes that's what he wanted also and never brought it up again.


It was always me bringing up the situation. Well it's been two years since those conversations & this guy does not get the hint that I need to feel close to him in order for me to move.


I never wanted to move out of my home town. I have a good job and I am extremely close with my family, so I would only be moving "only" for him.


Okay so here is the advice I need. I told him I needed to hear from him more then I was. He started calling more once I got mad at him, calling every week or so which was fine but then he didn't call for about three weeks.


I forgave him, and he started calling back to his once a week.


Then I told him I needed to move out of the house I was living in and get my own place.

I told him this before this weekend. I didn't hear from him for almost a week, then when I finally did hear from him he didn't remember I even moved.


He didn't ask how my new place was or anything that I would think a guy that I was moving my entire life for would want to know.


You know that whole dating, wanting to know how things are with the person your seeing.


Anyway, I let him know I was upset. He then told me he had to call me back because someone showed up at his house.


Well guess what? He didn't call me back last night, and who knows when I will hear from him.

I'm supposed to go visit him soon,which he already paid for the plane ticket but I don't even want to go.


I'm ready to give all of it up. Am I wrong? Am I being a baby? Please someone help me with this sit. I'm frustrated, and I'm ready to get over him and put myself out there for someone who really cares!!!

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What? He didn't even remembered you had moved? :confused::eek:


IMO This Guy is not worth hanging onto... For Godsake, I have more concern and interest in my FRIENDS than that!


This Guy doesn't call you, or take an interest in your life... IMO it doesn't seem that this is a serious and/or exclusive relationship for him.. and seriously after 6 years... I don't see him changing.


My feeling is this... get out there and find someone else who IS interested in YOU and whats going on in your life.


Good Luck

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Frankly, I think he is trying to avoid you by not contacting you more often.


I have found that many men (not ALL) will just "let it go" rather than come forward and actually SAY why it isn't working for them. If he shows a lack of concern (which is very easy for him, since he has to do NOTHING), he will then hope that it will get you to move on without him actually having to say/do anything.


By not saying anything, he is saying plenty.

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Hmm I think that he is a jerk, that's just me. It sounds like he needs a WAKE UP call.. avoid him and see what happens. I hope you do what makes YOU happy!!

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I've been ignoring him since he hasn't call back that night. He's called a few times and only left one message, but overall I'm done with him. I tired of being dissapointed by him. He's not worth my entire life, although I need to cut off the trip now. Hopefully he can use the ticket for something else. I'm sure he can.

Thanks for all the advice.

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