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Cheating...Love and Fun

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Are there any guys out there who can help me understand why is it that loving your gf/fiance/wife does not prevent you from fooling around.Is it true that considering and getting involved in this type of situations brings improvement in aspects such as physical appearance and a more care free attitude towards life???

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I'm not sure that I clearly understand what you were asking? You post a lot of random questions every now and then. If you're involved in whatever you're asking, could you actually describe your specific situation and problem? It would help us better understand it.

Are there any guys out there who can help me understand why is it that loving your gf/fiance/wife does not prevent you from fooling around. Is it true that considering and getting involved in this type of situations brings improvement in aspects such as physical appearance and a more care free attitude towards life???

Does cheating on your partner improves your physical appearance? I don't think so. But I have noticed that people may be involved in long-term relationships, and some of them stop caring about impressing their partner. They get out of shape, they don't pay as much attention to their manners sometimes. They become "too" comfortable with the other person, and let it all go. They may gain weight, stop dressing as nice, the women stop wearing their sexy lingerie, etc. They may stop doing all of the little things that people do when they first start going out.


But then they meet someone outside of the relationship. They become attracted to them, start getting back into shape, start dressing nicer etc. to impress this other person.


And about loving your partner and still fooling around, I wonder about that too.

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I'm not sure that I clearly understand what you were asking? You post a lot of random questions every now and then. If you're involved in whatever you're asking, could you actually describe your specific situation and problem? It would help us better understand it. Does cheating on your partner improves your physical appearance? I don't think so. But I have noticed that people may be involved in long-term relationships, and some of them stop caring about impressing their partner. They get out of shape, they don't pay as much attention to their manners sometimes. They become "too" comfortable with the other person, and let it all go. They may gain weight, stop dressing as nice, the women stop wearing their sexy lingerie, etc. They may stop doing all of the little things that people do when they first start going out. But then they meet someone outside of the relationship. They become attracted to them, start getting back into shape, start dressing nicer etc. to impress this other person. And about loving your partner and still fooling around, I wonder about that too.
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For most men, the link between sex and love is much different. A man can be very attracted to a woman sexually but not love her at all. Conversely, a man can love a woman very deeply but not be sexually attracted to her.


So it is not unusual for a man who is emotionally and sexually attached to one woman to be very sexually attracted to lots of other women. Whether or not he actually acts on that attraction depends on his moral standards, ethics, loyalty, etc.


There are a lot of people, men and women, out there today who are fairly devoid of morality so it would not be very difficult at all for them to get involved sexually with someone while being very much in love with their girlfriend or wife.


One really has nothing to do with the other. Most men are capable of having sex with a different woman every one to eight hours, depending on age and circumstances...all the while having a "special" lady waiting for them somewhere who is completely unaware of what their man is doing.


To ask this question, you truly underestimate the scumbag capacity of some men...actually all of mankind in general. Were it not for the moral training some people receive and certain social and legal sanctions for illicit behavior, you would be amazed at what you would see on this planet.


I am reminded of an incident last year which took place at the edge of Central Park in New York following the Puerto Rican Day Parade. A large group of males gathered and openly attacked and sexually molested females as they passed by their area. Nearby policemen ignored the pleas of a few victims to intervene in the scuffle. You can occasionally see a video of this event on television news magazines. What happened was sickening but it shows what humans are capable of.


You don't have to ask this kind of question again. All humans are capable of evil. Some to a greater degree than others. Take time finding a man you can trust while I try to win the lottery.

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curious is an adjective (curious george)


curiously is an adverb (like "curiously, it wasn't red)


curiosity is a noun (my damn curiosity)



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One really has nothing to do with the other. Most men are capable of having sex with a different woman every one to eight hours, depending on age and circumstances...all the while having a "special" lady waiting for them somewhere who is completely unaware of what their man is doing.


That is so true, unfortunately...I had an affair with this Latin American celebrity who was married and also had a mistress and other women he liked to fool around with. Just like that he told me it all! I asked him what I was, and he said, "You are my friend. I don't want to loose you, but if you come to close I will be very hard on you."


He sang like a God!


I wasn't hurt by this man at all because he was so honest to begin with. I admired his openess, but was so glad to not be his wife. Apparently his wife knew what he did, but stayed with him despite it. He certainly had a sense of humour though and we laughed alot.

I am reminded of an incident last year which took place at the edge of Central Park in New York following the Puerto Rican Day Parade. A large group of males gathered and openly attacked and sexually molested females as they passed by their area. Nearby policemen ignored the pleas of a few victims to intervene in the scuffle. You can occasionally see a video of this event on television news magazines. What happened was sickening but it shows what humans are capable of. You don't have to ask this kind of question again. All humans are capable of evil. Some to a greater degree than others. Take time finding a man you can trust while I try to win the lottery.



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Because the reason men cheat it so different from why women cheat.


Women cheat mostly because they're looking for love .Men,as you've explained,cheat because they're looking for fun.


So i have a question: If a married man is approached by another woman who makes it clear she wants to have sexual relations with him,would his initial inclination be to do it?And if not,what is it that stops him? Morals?Or the fear of getting caught?Or the fear that this other woman will take it all too seriously?


2) AS YOU SAID, " ...all the while having a "special"


lady waiting for them somewhere who is completely unaware of what their man is doing. "


What do you mean really by that?



To ask this question, you truly underestimate the scumbag capacity of some men...actually all of mankind in general. Were it not for the moral training some people receive and certain social and legal sanctions for illicit behavior, you would be amazed at what you would see on this planet. I am reminded of an incident last year which took place at the edge of Central Park in New York following the Puerto Rican Day Parade. A large group of males gathered and openly attacked and sexually molested females as they passed by their area. Nearby policemen ignored the pleas of a few victims to intervene in the scuffle. You can occasionally see a video of this event on television news magazines. What happened was sickening but it shows what humans are capable of. You don't have to ask this kind of question again. All humans are capable of evil. Some to a greater degree than others. Take time finding a man you can trust while I try to win the lottery.


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