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Cocaine to overcome social anxiety?

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I suffer from social anxiety, seemingly like a lot of people on here. I think I'm fortunate though because I'm pretty good looking so I've have had moderate to good success dating despite my hang ups. It definitely bothers me though because I see opportunity after opportunity pass me by and I rarely take advantage. I go out regularly, about 50 times a year. Most nights nothing happens. I basically sit around drinking, interacting mostly with friends, and probably have about 20 conversations a year with girls I'm attracted to. I generally feel if they stick around, they're interested, but I have a difficult time ever asking her out unless I know it's a complete layup. I get a lot of girls who offer their number but I'm never interested. The pretty girls never offer up their number unless I ask and I usually just talk until they get bored and leave, sometimes hours later - thinking he must not be interested. The sad thing is if I ask, I almost always get a number, then a date, and we often hookup. So I'm very comfortable around women once I know the interest is there. But the fact that I almost never get rejected tells me I'm not taking any risks. My big problem is that I have a very difficult time getting out of my head. Even if it's just purely a social event with friends, and no potential romantic interests involved, I am prone to being overcome by social anxiety. I sit there and see everyone else having a good time and I just can't find the energy to engage with people let alone smile. The rare times that I do, the results are very pronounced. I make friends, get phone numbers, have a great time. But I've never found a way to consistently get out of my head.


So anyway, enter cocaine. I recently dated a girl for a couple months and she was a major party girl. I've been around cocaine a fair bit but never had the urge to try it. I don't really have an addictive personality. I drink, have used marijuana occasionally, but I don't smoke nor had I ever done any hard drugs. I'm not even addicted to caffeine or sugar. She got me to do coke with her before sex a couple times. It didn't really do all that much for me. It was a private, very intimate setting so I didn't really get any sense of how it might change my interaction in public. The sex was just more intense because of the high, and then it was harder to sleep and recover the next day. Well we broke up about a couple months ago and she left a dime bag at my place. It just sat there until last night.


A buddy convinced me to go out to see a friend who was DJing at 2AM. I had a long week and was feeling dead tired but wanted to go out anyway. I decided to bring the coke just in case I needed a pick me up. So there is this very attractive girl, Lily, that usually goes out with us. I've seen her at least 20 times but we barely interact. She is always dancing and attracting lots of attention. We barely say a word to each other even though I should really know her quite well by now. It's gotten to the point that I feel really awkward being around her because I think to myself "Why are we both really tight with a ton of people in common but never say anything to each other?" I was convinced she thinks I'm a complete loser.


Well as usual I'm just sitting there like a wallflower all evening. It was shaping up to be yet another in a long line of boring uneventful nights, when I noticed Lily feigning touching her nose i.e. the "do you have any coke?" gesture to a friend. He shook his head no but I immediately interjected and said "I have some." She grabbed my hand and led me outside. Shockingly we actually talked. This was the most interaction I have ever had with her. We both did a line and then went back inside. I got a huge rush of energy. The next thing I know, I'm dancing, bumping and grinding with Lily and having a blast. It was like a light switch and I had become the life of the party. I decided to go back to the bar to get another drink. While at the bar, this really hot girl (literally hot) is standing next to me. I don't even remember what I said, but I just started talking to her. Next thing I know we're outside doing more lines of coke and then started making out. She's a performer at the club, fire twirling dancer and was basically dressed in all black lingerie. It was ridiculously sexy. I ended up hanging out with her friends until 4AM then we went to an after party that was going until 6AM. She came home with me last night and we had amazing sex. She just left a little while ago and now I'm feeling wrecked. All the booze, coke, and lack of sleep caught up to me this Saturday afternoon. But I did have one of the most memorable nights of my life last night. But am I going down a slippery slope? I'm sitting here contemplating if I should start taking cocaine before I go out so that I can overcome my social anxieties. I mean frankly, I'd be happy going out a lot less than I do if I'm guaranteed to have a good time. At the same time, I'm a fairly conservative person and this whole idea also seems completely nuts... Does anybody have friends who are responsible recreational cocaine users who didn't become addicts or ruin lives?


I mean, honestly, whats the problem? Your good looking, you go out 50 plus a year, your getting numbers, but a big pussy asking the super hot ones, tried blow, loved it, and now your like, "hey peeps, coked wrecked me a bit, but I slept it off til 1pm(I say your 22 oldest, no career direction), I'm want a chick who is solid(I'm at club etc)but DAMN, I banged this hot performer(whore) doing coke and loved it. what do you think? It seems to be workin!! should I keep goin?

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His exact problem is he likes cocaine, is on a public forum looking for someone to tell him that feeling great on cocaine is good to go. what he discovered is cocaine will make you uninhibited, and he is confusing that with confidence, for SUPER hot chicks. I mean, he likes the blow.


CryfornoOne, you must liberal. your disdain for corporate dollars is palatable


LOL! When you put in those terms, it is kind of funny. It's definitely true that most super hot chicks at clubs like blow. I've seen some guys with coke in action, and they look like the Pied Piper... I agree the solution is to try to meet super hot chicks outside of clubs.


I guess by 2017 standards I'm liberal. I used to say I'm Libertarian but now people associate that with those Tea Party lunatics. In the 90's I was Republican but no way I'd would associate myself in any way shape or form with the current GOP. Lincoln and Eisenhower are turning over in their graves...

Edited by CryForNoOne
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I guess by 2017 standards I'm liberal. I used to say I'm Libertarian but now people associate that with those Tea Party lunatics. In the 90's I was Republican but no way I'd would associate myself in any way shape or form with the current GOP. Lincoln and Eisenhower are turning over in their graves...


libertarian and republican are pretty close. probably some confusion on the whole LGBT debacle for you. OH! and govt programs!!. I'm a Democrat, for the record, and vote platform not candidate

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All social issues I'm liberal and that trumps my conservative views on fiscal policy. I'm a true libertarian. If you want to smoke pot, snort coke, or shoot H, be my guest - just as long as it doesn't cost me any money or pose any public health risk...

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- just as long as it doesn't cost me any money or pose any public health risk...


This is curious to me. libertarian sounds and feels selective, socialist in a way.


do libertarians support food stamps?

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healing light

I'm a licensed acupuncturist and I've seen people overcome anxiety with the appropriate herbs. I would find someone in your area who is recommended to get a thorough assessment and an herbal formula for anxiety. Herbs are very powerful, as well, but most of them are not taken for more than a few months at a time and are tapered off as your constitution improves.


You do not want to get addicted to coke. One of my friends uses substances recreationally and it's part of the reason two of her relationships failed. She's not a full-time user by any means, but quality men she has attracted into her life don't want shady dealings in a partner. If you are looking for a partner with quality, the chances of them being found in a club dropping coke and banging someone they just met at 4am are slim to none.

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This is curious to me. libertarian sounds and feels selective, socialist in a way.


do libertarians support food stamps?


Definitely not. A true libertarian believes in "to each his own". The government has no right to tell me what I can and can't put in my body, who I have sex with, or anything I do in the privacy of my own home with one HUGE asterisk. If my activities are at the expense of public welfare, the government may intervene. Thus, the libertarian in me believes we have the right to bear arms, but gun control is needed because any knucklehead being able to buy an AR-15 poses a huge public health risk.


Our drug policy is about the worst imaginable to me. Our government subsidizes big pharma creating an entire generation of addicts. They outlaw recreational drugs they can't profit from. Criminalize the poor addicts and do nothing to prevent them. Then foot me with the bill to treat them...


OP seems to want to join the party ;)

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Hell no! Merck or Pfizer are no better than the drug dealer down the street. Maybe worse. At least the poor black kid only resorted to pushing drugs because he has no other option to breakout of abject poverty. Those aholes play golf at charity tournaments and give each other community service awards while they are making billions willfully poisoning America. Eventually all the opioid addicts switch to heroin and meth once they can't afford the overpriced "legal" drugs aymore...


Look I'm not going to endorse cocaine use, but the reaction on this thread shows how powerful "manufactured consent" is, even in a supposedly free thinking society like the US. Prescription drugs that relieve anxiety are every bit as addictive and destructive as cocaine, but cost a lot more, and benefit rich white ass holes on Wall Street instead of minorities in the inner city and "pharmaceutical firms" in Latin America. They are all terrible if abused.


Frankly, alcohol and cigarettes FAR are more destructive than cocaine. It's just than the former are legal and people have been brainwashed into thinking that half a million deaths a year from drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and lung cancer are perfectly acceptable but a few thousand deaths from cocaine overdoses are a national epidemic. Alcohol and tobacco related deaths outnumber cocaine related deaths over 100:1.


Millions of Americans use alcohol to overcome social anxiety. I'd venture to guess the VAST majority of LS users who drink do so. I don't see anything worse about using cocaine if you can moderate your intake.


I don't like big Pharma and I'm not talking about opiates, I'm talking about the non-addictive SSRIs that seem to help some people. In my opinion it's better than resorting to felony drug purchases and the dangerous risks of cocaine addiction, which are very real.

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have we lost sight of the OP question? I think it was...and I paraphrase..can I use cocaine recreationly, and have no repercussions( implied)!!

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I hate to say it but there are no good girls left then (at least who go out). I'm not a big cocaine user but I see it EVERYWHERE. I'm sure there are millions of happily married church going Americans who never see cocaine, but if you go out to bars and clubs regularly you can't escape it. I was recently lamenting that almost every white girl I met on OLD used coke. I'm not talking "bad" girls either. An elementary school teacher, accountant, and ironically a single mom who was a lab technician at Amgen...


Pfffft. You're in El Lay, the biggest cesspool in the country. You need to get out more, and I do mean out of that cesspool.

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Doing cocaine for whatever reason is the most stupid thing ive heard.


So you have social anxiety?


Then challenge yourself, and practice, practice, practice...


Also be patient, dont expect to be a new person in a week, it can take months or years, but the sooner you start trying to change, the better.

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Cocaine destroyed one of my siblings....She's still alive but a shell of who she was...I worked as a doorman and bouncer in the 80's in a few prominent at that time NYC night clubs....I watched as innocent suburban coeds who came to the club just to be with their friends and dance/socialize, get coked up and wind up in the men's bathroom stall while 3/4 guys were running train on them...


Don't go there....You can't handle it...



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OP, if you have the ability to be fun and outgoing with cocaine, you have that same ability to be fun and outgoing without cocaine. Cocaine can’t make a mute person speak and similarly it can’t make you fun and outgoing unless you inherently possess the ability to be fun and outgoing.


a gram of coke which I think is under $100 and that's probably going to last me a couple months at the rate I would use it. I don't see it draining my bank account or affecting anything but my Saturday and Sunday mornings...


Said everyone who ever got addicted ever. No one plans to get addicted to cocaine, they all start out thinking that they can handle it. Tons of people start out because they want to have fun at parties and a lot of people say that in the beginning they didn’t feel any withdrawal. And if you get a super hot girlfriend doing cocaine, you’ll probably have to keep doing it to keep her. Doesn’t sound like the best path to head down.

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I very much enjoy it because it makes you confident social happy etc but I only do it maybe 2 or 3 times a year.


Like anything else it's all about moderation. If you have an addictive personality dont do it!!

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OP, if you have the ability to be fun and outgoing with cocaine, you have that same ability to be fun and outgoing without cocaine. Cocaine can’t make a mute person speak and similarly it can’t make you fun and outgoing unless you inherently possess the ability to be fun and outgoing.




Said everyone who ever got addicted ever. No one plans to get addicted to cocaine, they all start out thinking that they can handle it. Tons of people start out because they want to have fun at parties and a lot of people say that in the beginning they didn’t feel any withdrawal. And if you get a super hot girlfriend doing cocaine, you’ll probably have to keep doing it to keep her. Doesn’t sound like the best path to head down.


The OP isn't looking for any sort of good advice, he's decided he likes coke and wants to justify the use of it as if it's a beneficial, good choice for his situation. Notice that he "likes" the posts here which spin coke or his actions in a positive light. He's looking for reassurance, not the cold, hard reality of cocaine and all the lives it destroys. He wants an echo chamber.

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cocaine use is not a long term coping devise.


Something will stop you at some point. The loneliness it brings....the law...being untrue to your real self....living outside of legitimate society


Even the musicians we grew up with in the 70' and 80's....they're mostly clean now.


even our local dealers....they're all clean (for some ... it took more than others)


there's different reasons for them all.....leaving that life behind.


good luck


There's just something about drugs....that makes them...*always* come... first. It's cool (and works)....for a while....not forever lol.....ever.

Edited by whatnot
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OP, as someone on the autistic spectrum I have some degree of social anxiety and have used 2 excellent, drug-free solutions to this problem:


1. Avoid going out when I don't feel like facing a lot of people at once



2. Put a face on, push myself to go out of my comfort zone and speak to people I don't know.


I thing trading cocaine for will power would be a wise move in the long run.

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Cocaine will only worsen your social anxiety.


Do not ever take this road.


Jay1983 along with some other posters who have done it - albeit for a couple months are right. Its a hell of a drug. Sure, Keith Richards is still alive but not everybody is as lucky.


It jeopardize your life and thats an understatement. Makes one agressive, sleep deprived and ultimately very depressed and suicidal.

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How old are you, and is this really the lifestyle that you want to lead?


It sounds very immature to me, unless you're like 18 or 19...

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How old are you, and is this really the lifestyle that you want to lead?


It sounds very immature to me, unless you're like 18 or 19...


I'm 25. I don't lead a crazy lifestyle nor am I immature for my age. I have a CS degree from a top school and work as a application developer at a very famous dot com. As I already stated, I don't have an addictive personality. I don't smoke, am a light drinker, rarely use pot, and never tried any hard drugs - no heroin, ecstasy, MDMA, Xanax. That puts me in the bottom most conservative quartile for my age. I have been thoroughly researching the risks of occasional cocaine use before proceeding with caution. I've had a gram of coke in my bedside drawer for over two months now. Never touched it until I did 2 lines Friday. It's back in my drawer and I haven't touched it since. I probably won't this weekend either. Next weekend maybe if I have exciting plans.


I'm not really sure why I need to provide justification for asking a question. It is a straight forward, albeit unorthodox question, yet I got extremely emotional responses from most people. That speaks more to their biases than anything. I'm not here seeking affirmation from a bunch of strangers on the Internet. That's totally pointless. Only a few people actually answered my question and those are the responses I liked. Highndry, I am not just thumbing anybody who says cocaine rocks! Folks like Carhill and Jay1983 give me sincere answers relating personal experiences without just shouting me down or calling me an idiot like you have. They certainly didn't paint coke in a positive light.


I actually found some extremely eye opening info on the Internet. It's a naturally grown product much like marijuana and not in the synthetic category of most other "hard" drugs. Thus corporations and governments that cannot regulate its production and distribution have a huge bias to demonize it. Sigmund Freud was a huge advocate of cocaine as a wonder drug, although he was likely an addict. It was present in quantities to enhance the high of Coca cola and many bottled wines until the early 20th century when it was outlawed. It was vilified by the CIA and US government through their extremely irrational war on drugs since the 1980s. It has been completely decriminalized in the Netherlands and a 10-year scientific study in Amsterdam of regular users in "non-deviant subcultures" determined that there were no serious side effects from long term recreational use.


Cocaine use in Amsterdam in non deviant subcultures


Worst of all was a World Health Organization study in 1995 that was suppressed by the US government. The WHO was preparing to publish the results of the most comprehensive peer reviewed scientific study of cocaine ever when the US threatened to suspend all funding to the WHO citing that "activities related to drugs failed to reinforce proven drug control approaches" specifically citing that the study "which seem to make a case for the positive uses of cocaine". In June 2009 WikiLeaks obtained and released that study that was buried by the US government. Yet another reason why Julian Assange is probably at the top of the CIA's most wanted list...



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I'm 25. I don't lead a crazy lifestyle nor am I immature for my age. I have a CS degree from a top school and work as a application developer at a very famous dot com. As I already stated, I don't have an addictive personality. I don't smoke, am a light drinker, rarely use pot, and never tried any hard drugs - no heroin, ecstasy, MDMA, Xanax. That puts me in the bottom most conservative quartile for my age. I have been thoroughly researching the risks of occasional cocaine use before proceeding with caution. I've had a gram of coke in my bedside drawer for over two months now. Never touched it until I did 2 lines Friday. It's back in my drawer and I haven't touched it since. I probably won't this weekend either. Next weekend maybe if I have exciting plans.


I'm not really sure why I need to provide justification for asking a question. It is a straight forward, albeit unorthodox question, yet I got extremely emotional responses from most people. That speaks more to their biases than anything. I'm not here seeking affirmation from a bunch of strangers on the Internet. That's totally pointless. Only a few people actually answered my question and those are the responses I liked. Highndry, I am not just thumbing anybody who says cocaine rocks! Folks like Carhill and Jay1983 give me sincere answers relating personal experiences without just shouting me down or calling me an idiot like you have. They certainly didn't paint coke in a positive light.


I actually found some extremely eye opening info on the Internet. It's a naturally grown product much like marijuana and not in the synthetic category of most other "hard" drugs. Thus corporations and governments that cannot regulate its production and distribution have a huge bias to demonize it. Sigmund Freud was a huge advocate of cocaine as a wonder drug, although he was likely an addict. It was present in quantities to enhance the high of Coca cola and many bottled wines until the early 20th century when it was outlawed. It was vilified by the CIA and US government through their extremely irrational war on drugs since the 1980s. It has been completely decriminalized in the Netherlands and a 10-year scientific study in Amsterdam of regular users in "non-deviant subcultures" determined that there were no serious side effects from long term recreational use.


Cocaine use in Amsterdam in non deviant subcultures


Worst of all was a World Health Organization study in 1995 that was suppressed by the US government. The WHO was preparing to publish the results of the most comprehensive peer reviewed scientific study of cocaine ever when the US threatened to suspend all funding to the WHO citing that "activities related to drugs failed to reinforce proven drug control approaches" specifically citing that the study "which seem to make a case for the positive uses of cocaine". In June 2009 WikiLeaks obtained and released that study that was buried by the US government. Yet another reason why Julian Assange is probably at the top of the CIA's most wanted list...






It's real simple, bro....Pick anectdotal pieces off the internet to justify your goal, or listen to people who've been there and done that....While the internet is great, you will probably find positive justification for cutting your balls off, if you look hard enough...Its a mish-mash of some good info and some nonsense...People are making millions of dollars off the sheer naivete of the average idiot that believes some shyt some YouTube poster is pushing...Its crazy....


And for all you know....the "cocaine" you have in your drawer isn't even real cocaine...Its quite common to sell some noob some bullshyt stuff..


So now, any "experience" you think you are getting from it, is worthless...


Real cocaine has ruined a zillion lives...Indisputable facts...You want justification for it, then I don't know what to tell you...*shrug*



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I know some people who are into coke. They are fun but nervous and a little plastic. I don't think their mask is working as well as they think (or maybe they know it's not and that's why they keep going back to the drug), and they tend to attract other nervous, plastic people. I would not say they are addicts or that their lives are ruined.


That said, that is my view of them, and I can't really speak for if they are having fun. It is so hard on the outside to know what someone's internal experience is.


Going out can be really challenging; I sympathize.

Edited by lovely81
Answered question more directly.
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id say if you think your problem is that you just have social anxiety and not that you are not attractive/interesting enough to have women into you outside of offering them drugs and being high out their mind then I would say try benzos first. They can be prescribed by professional for anxiety and healthier. Your life will still be in shambles if you get addicted to those but probably in marginally less shambles than if it's coke. Best x

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