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Just Friends?

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Boy am I puzzled I have been hanging out

with this cute 21 year old and we have been to the movies, had coffee dates and she even came over to my place to watch a DVD and drink wine, so yeah I saw her in a bar to night and sure enough she introduced me to her boyfriend and that was awkward, but then she sat down next to me, touched and flirted me with a lot and then when her boyfriend came to sit down again, she continued talking to me and said 'are we still on for the movies on weds? and I said nah...and she goes how come? so I pointed to her boyfriend and she goes oh but were just friends and then I said nothing and she goes you are all grumpy now aren't you? and I said nah I'm off that's what I am bye...




she also sent txts saying that she was drunk home alone and kept send me funny txts, she also called me to meet a the bar I went too.


what gives here?


My brother and a female friend of his saw that she was into me by the way she acted around me...so is she a Next?.


I like her but I don't have strong feelings for her, just confused...why could she not have established things earlier?.


Should I continue too hang out with her or just not bother anymore, she knows that I dig her on a non platonic level...was this just all an ego boost for her because she enjoyed the attention I gave her?.

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I have been in ONE too many mixed signals confusing situations to think it's funny. Once the lack of clarity and confusion starts. It's best to move on. Don't even continue to keep her as a friend. She will just play you and use you for an ego boost whenever she needs it.

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I'm not sure if I should have done this or not but she txtd me and said "sorry I have been busy 2 day but hi"...so I txted her back and told her I got a ph number last night (I did) and asked her if the rule was 3 days before I called her and she sent a txt back saying umm i have no idea about that sorry...have a gd nite bye.


What's my next move?, I know this girl digs me, she wouldn't answer my txts straight away or ring me at home and her boyfriend is a dull dweeb...I want her help me fellow DJ's...



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There is one thing and one thing only that matters here.


She has a boyfriend.


Unless you want to volunteer to play the fool, you'll stay far away. Tell this girl that you will be more than happy to see her: when, and only when she no longer has a boyfriend.

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My brother and a female friend of his saw that she was into me by the way she acted around me...so is she a Next?.


I like her but I don't have strong feelings for her, just confused...why could she not have established things earlier?.


Should I continue too hang out with her or just not bother anymore, she knows that I dig her on a non platonic level...was this just all an ego boost for her because she enjoyed the attention I gave her?.


I hate gettin' played. So, yeah, I would drop her. Although, I am wondering a little if she's totally serious about her b/f.

Sure, it's an ego boost for her, though....


I'm not sure if I should have done this or not but she txtd me and said "sorry I have been busy 2 day but hi"...so I txted her back and told her I got a ph number last night (I did) and asked her if the rule was 3 days before I called her and she sent a txt back saying umm i have no idea about that sorry...have a gd nite bye.


What's my next move?, I know this girl digs me, she wouldn't answer my txts straight away or ring me at home and her boyfriend is a dull dweeb...I want her help me fellow DJ's...


And since I hate gettin' played..... Next time she texts you (btw, well done with your texting her and telling her you got a number :) ) asks her for more advice about the your new girl.... like 'what kinda gift should I get for her' or 'what ya think this girl is thinking'. My guess is that your 21yo friend will start coming back on to you again. Girls like her hate to be 'replaced' by another girl. I wouldn't recommend you hook up with her as long as she's still seeing her b/f. But, at least you can tell yourself you didn't play by her rules. But, seriously, she's not dating material.

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If she plays her boyfriend for a fool and disrespects him so overtly, don't you think she would do the same to you if you got involved. She is bad news.

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Bummer...I just got a message from her best friend...


"i dont want you to get hurt,so i think I should say that she only views you as a friend,and likes your company alot and says you are a lot of fun,but only wants to be friends and nothing more,even if she's ever single again."


to the point wouldn't you say?...oh well...NEXT...

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well i think her friend may have everyone's best interests at heart here and is only telling you this so that you stay away from her. in any case, she's doing the right thing, you SHOULD be staying away from this woman. besides, if she would do things like this when she has a boyfriend, she'd be doing the same to you if you were her bf. all signs here say to move on and forget about her, you have nothing to gain in this situation except lots of drama.

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Yes I know...she sent this back to me...


"But ..what do you mean you will stay away and not contact her anymore...is it b/c u find it too hard being just friends with someone you like,i guess thats understandable,I probably would too,but she does like hanging out with u as friends.and thats all she ever thought was that when u guys watched movies together etc was just "2 friends hanging out"..hmm...what do u reckon? "

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Best bet: just don't respond and move on. Its hard to trust people who want to be friends, despite every good reason not to be.

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Best bet: just don't respond and move on. Its hard to trust people who want to be friends, despite every good reason not to be.


LB youve done it again :cool:


Run my Man and do not look back ;)

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Originally posted by youjustconfuseme

Yes I know...she sent this back to me...


"But ..what do you mean you will stay away and not contact her anymore...is it b/c u find it too hard being just friends with someone you like,i guess thats understandable,I probably would too,but she does like hanging out with u as friends.and thats all she ever thought was that when u guys watched movies together etc was just "2 friends hanging out"..hmm...what do u reckon? "


Call me an ol' timer, but this is how things have gotten so messed up today. See, guys and girls didn't used to hang out like that unless they were dating. It was pretty clearcut. Not only that, when they wanted to date, they asked for a date---not to hang out.


Things were so much easier until we changed all the rules. It was ok to change SOME of the rules but we've really caused a lot of confusion today.

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yeah confusing as hell right, she did show signs of interest and for her to ignore her BF and focus her attention on me at the bar was very puzzling...I am going to stay away and find a Woman my own age, I sense that maybe her best friend was a little jealous at the attention her friend was getting because she sent me a long message and I was thinking man why would she care?.

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I would tell her to get back to you when her boyfriend finally dumps her! She sounds like someone who is on some sort of ego trip...or not very smart about people.

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Originally posted by liswil

Call me an ol' timer, but this is how things have gotten so messed up today. See, guys and girls didn't used to hang out like that unless they were dating. It was pretty clearcut. Not only that, when they wanted to date, they asked for a date---not to hang out.


Things were so much easier until we changed all the rules. It was ok to change SOME of the rules but we've really caused a lot of confusion today.


I was thinking about this today and I was curious as to why her best friend was the one to tell me that" but she only wants to be friends and nothing more,even if she's ever single again"...should it not be the girl in question's thing to tell me this and not her best friend?, it seems a little like that the best friend is a little jealous of the attention her friend is getting, these girls are young so yeah I am moving on.

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