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2 years post D-day, No Holiday Blues!


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D-day was late October 2015 after my wife's EA. Thanksgiving 2015 was a nightmare with her being held on a 3-day commitment. Christmas was not great either. Last year things were a bit better but there was still a lot of tension in the air.


This year, I'm actually looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Things are not perfect but my wife is making steady progress. October was tough but that was mostly me looking back on what happened. Hopefully next year that is minimized or plays less of an issue with my mind.


The point of all this is to let those new to this infidelity thing is that things will get better as time goes on. With or without your spouse. Of course if you are reconciling, spousal involvement is required.


Happy holidays to all. I hope you find the path to your own recovery.

Edited by Doorstopper
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