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Here's the deal. A guy I used to date showed up on a singles site, and I was on it using a different handle, of course. I decided to have some fun with him and get some revenge for the way he had treated me and hurt me so long ago.


I've kept up writing to him by email, using the fake profile, and the personality of this gal in cognito is a real slut. I told him that I was married, had left my husband and was living with another man too. And,that I wanted to just meet him and do him - no strings attached.


And that was all I wanted from him. I also told him I do other men as well, and just wanted to make sure he was ok with this. He sure seems hung up on this gal, and is anxious to get together.


I think I'm in shock over some of the things he has written to my alter ego, but, am playing the game. He even said he has done married women before, and that he too has a wild side. None of which I knew about him the time we were in a relationship. And, what really makes me mad is that he's willing to give her the time and attention he didn't me for so long while we were in that dead end - one-way relationship. He even gave me (her) his phone number. He wants to meet me this weekend at a motel halfway between where I told him I live, and where he lives. He hasn't given me his address yet, and I won't give him a phone number. He is a truck driver, and even wanted to pick me up to run his route with him Monday. In one of the letters he signed his name with the special name that I had called him during our relationship, and that was the one in which he wanted me to ride with him - er, her. We had always talked about me going on the road with him, but broke up before it ever took place.


I'm not hurt any more over this guy, but, am sort of secretly enjoying the revenge I'm getting. I just wonder where or if he'll ever draw the line. The sluttier I am, the more interested he seems. I wonder, too, if he might be so desperate and lonely that he's willing to settle for anything - which is better than nothing?


I know this may be somewhat cruel to do, but, at long last I feel a sense of revenge for the way he treated me. Come on guys - are there men out there who really don't care how a woman is, or have any morals at all? Maybe not. I made it very plain that I wanted nothing from him except sex. He mentioned spending Memorial Day weekend together and doing some things to have fun. I wrote and told him that I didn't want to do anything with him except bed him. This too, is a little revenge for the times he wouldn't take the time to do things with me.


Maybe it's wrong to do this, but, don't judge me because everyone has had hurts and heartaches in their lives, and sometimes revenge is sweet. I'd appreciate any comments on this man's thinking. Does anyone think he's really so desperate that he would actually want to go out with a woman that exists only in a porn story someplace? I will stop as soon as we made plans to meet - then, I'll stand him up - like he did me so many times, and give him some excuse. Right back at him again!!!

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You make yourself much worse than him by carrying on as you are doing. And you are not getting any revenge. You are providing him with major entertainment. He's probably carrying on this way with more women than just you. You are actually making a fool of yourself.


Even if you actually make a date with him, arrange to meet him somewhere where he has to drive way out of his way to get to and you stand him up, he's probably expecting to be stood up anyway. Maybe he himself won't even show up.


If you want to get even a tingling of revenge out of this, build him up to a climax in your Email and messages in the next week or two...and THEN tell him you can't make it but you are sending your BEST FRIEND in your place and give him the name of your best friend...YOU. That should really get his goat real quick. Then have no further communication with him.


Let all this go and move on with your life. This is such a juvenile waste of good time.

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i agree with Tony.....i can imagine it is probably the best feeling to get even with the little prick....but have your fun and get over it ASAP. get it all out of your system and then go find someone decent. you ain't doing yourself any good.

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First of all, PRAY that he never finds out, b/c if he does, you will like the most pathetic person he's ever met. In my eyes, this is a pretty pathetic and desperate thing to do.

I think I'm in shock over some of the things he has written to my alter ego, but, am playing the game. He even said he has done married women before, and that he too has a wild side. None

You're shocked about what he's written, for example doing married women before? Wait a minute...

I've kept up writing to him by email, using the fake profile, and the personality of this gal in cognito is a real slut. I told him that I was married, had left my husband and was living

Maybe he's shocked to hear this "slut" has done. And chances are, he's lying about these past experiences just to make himself look more experienced to her. It's kind of like a virgin guy who exaggerates about his past to an experienced girl.

to make sure he was ok with this. He sure seems hung up on this gal, and is anxious to get together.

I think if a girl is offering great sex with no strings attached and without a price, there are many guys who would take up the offer. This guy sounds normal.

before, and that he too has a wild side. None of which I knew about him the time we were in a relationship.

SO????? WHY DO YOU CARE? Why are you letting his past bother you now?

And, what really makes me mad is that he's willing to give her the time and attention he didn't me for so long while we were in that dead end - one-way relationship.

Why do you allow yourself to get mad about that? It's a completely different situation, at a different time, with a different person. If he wants to give her every minute of his time, why do you care? So what if he does? He's entitled to do so. Just because he was too busy for you doesn't mean he's too busy for every other person. People can change priorities.


Again, it has nothing to do with you.

In one of the letters he signed his name with the special name that I had called him during our relationship, and that was the one in which he wanted me to ride with him - er, her.

So he used the "special name". If you put a copyright on it, I'm sure you could sue him now. But that's about it. People tend to stick with names they like or are used to hearing.

I'm not hurt any more over this guy, but, am sort of secretly enjoying the revenge I'm getting. I just wonder where or if he'll ever draw the line. The sluttier I am, the more interested he seems. I wonder, too, if he might be so desperate and lonely that he's willing to settle for anything - which is better than nothing?

If you think that he's the desperate and lonely one, boyyyyyyyyy are you mistaken!!!!!!!!!!!! Re-think this situation over.


If he's giving her all his time and attention, have you noticed that she is on the receiving end? That means SHE is spending all her time and attention on him also. And that SHE is YOU.


Also, if he's interested in someone slutty, again it takes two. She's the one that is talking slutty to him, spending her time and energy trying to get revenge on him. Again, she = you.

I know this may be somewhat cruel to do, but, at long last I feel a sense of revenge for the way he treated me. Come on guys - are there men out there who really don't care how a woman is, or have any morals at all?

Yes it is a pretty cruel and low-down thing to do. I'm sure he cares how the woman is or if she has any morals. After all, he did break up with you. Maybe he saw this side of you: the desperate, pathetic, lonely revenge-seeking side.


This other girl, on the other hand, doesn't sound as bad to him compared to the way you're acting.

with him except bed him. This too, is a little revenge for the times he wouldn't take the time to do things with me.

You are as much to blame for this as he is. If he was SUCH A JERK TO YOU, and if he never took the time to do things for you, then WHY WHYY WHYYY ON EARTH DID YOU STAY WITH HIM???????? The only person to blame for staying in such a terrible painful relationship is you.


He didn't tie you down. He didn't force you to stay with him. It was totally up to you to stay with him for so long that, at the end, you were so hurt and heartbroken over it.


Why did you stay with him if he was such a jerk then?

Maybe it's wrong to do this, but, don't judge me because everyone has had hurts and heartaches in their lives, and sometimes revenge is sweet.

I'm not judging you, just telling you how I see it. Yes, everyone has hurts and heartaches, but if they're mature enough, they're willing to see that most of the time, it was just their own fault for getting involved in this type of situation and not getting out of it sooner.


Also, most people usually stop living in the past, learn from their pain and mistakes, and MOVE ON.


Again, if you're as much to blame since you willingly stayed with him and willingly took this crp from him, then is it really revenge??????

I'd appreciate any comments on this man's thinking.

This man's thinking sounds pretty normal to me.

Does anyone think he's really so desperate that he would actually want to go out with a woman that exists only in a porn story someplace?

Don't worry about whether he's desperate enough to want to have sex with a woman. Focus on how desperate you look.


You're the one living in the past, wasting your time on him!


You're the one that could be spending your time going out and hanging out with your friends or meeting new guys.


You're the one that's sitting around instead writing up fake stories using a fake identity.


Now if that doesn't sound desperate...I must be really confused.

I will stop as soon as we made plans to meet - then, I'll stand him up - like he did me so many times, and give him some excuse. Right back at him again!!!

Or will it be? The funny thing is, maybe he already knows it's you. Most people can guess on these type of things. If he's of normal intelligence, I'm sure he can easily figure out that it's just a phony. He can just as easily figure out that it is YOU.


And maybe, the only reason he gave her his number was because he already knew it was you. He already knew you had it. There was no risk involved in giving his number to a stranger b/c you aren't a stranger.


And maybe he signed his "special name" because again, he knew it was you.


And maybe, he is just playing YOU along.


And maybe, he's sitting around with his friends and with his new girlfriend going over all of what you're saying, and having a good laugh.


And maybe he's thinking: Right back at you again!!!

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Ok some of you think this is a pathetic thing to do, but none of you know the full background, and they say - dont just a person until you have walked a mile in his/her shoes.


Maybe the better question here might be: Why did he do the things to me that he did? He tore the heart out of me and then threw it right back in my face.


He won't find out it's me, and I will end it as soon as I feel like I should,and that will be very soon.


The opportunity came up, and I took it - that's why I did what I did. You all have your own thoughts on this, but, if the full story were written here, you might feel and think differently about what I am doing.


But,thanks anyway for your input. Yes, he is a prick. He helped me move so that we could be near each other, then up and deserted me in a strange city. I packed up and moved back home as soon as I was able to do so. So, like I said, don't judge until you know more about my side of things. And, trust me - there is a lot more to tell, but,I won't.

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Didn't anyone ever warn you--never ever ever ever move just so you can be closer to a guy!


My main question is, why did you let him do all the things he did to you?

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It wasn't just to be near him totally. Part of it was, yes, but, my mother had been killed in an auto accident, and I needed to get away and have a change for a while. I also had a wonderful new job too.


The truth is - I didn't know that he was doing all these things to me. When I found out, of course, I let him have it. But, it's ok, I have moved on.

Didn't anyone ever warn you--never ever ever ever move just so you can be closer to a guy!


My main question is, why did you let him do all the things he did to you?

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It is pathetically sick to exact revenge on everybody who doesn't act, talk or write as you expect. And you emphasize that we don't know the whole story and you aren't going to go into it. Well, please spare us the details but how are we supposed to help you if we don't know relevant details?


No response necessary. I wish to let this die. Nothing productive is coming of this thread.

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Tony, I am not exacting revenge on anyone who doesn't act, talk or write as I expect them to. It is true, it is just best to let this die. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, and I do respect that. I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

It is pathetically sick to exact revenge on everybody who doesn't act, talk or write as you expect. And you emphasize that we don't know the whole story and you aren't going to go into it. Well, please spare us the details but how are we supposed to help you if we don't know relevant details? No response necessary. I wish to let this die. Nothing productive is coming of this thread.


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