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I would like more but how?

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I'll try to put this together in a way they makes sense.


I'm a karate instructor and I own 2 martial arts schools. There is a woman who assists me from time to time in teaching classes. She is a student of my instructor and we train together at his facility. She is a friend and we occasionally hang out outside of martial arts. She would like to become an instructor someday and own her own school and I'm grooming her to do so. I'm interested in looking into the possibility of dating. She is a very good martial artist with lots of potential. She's really cool and absolutely adorable. If we could go beyond friendship the possibilities would be endless. For me it would be the ideal partner. People have thought we were together in the past and others have suggested that we would make a good couple. I'm looking for a way to express interest without going overboard.There are few factors the could get in the way of a possible romance, one is huge:


1. She may view me more as mentor or "big brother" type

2. She introduced me to my current ex. They had somewhat of a falling out and rarely speak..............but still.


Does anyone think these factors can be overcome? She made a few comments in the past that may suggest a possibility. However, she is very difficult to read. Her birthday is coming up and I would like to get her something or do something to express interest without going off the deep end. I'll get her something regardless. I hate not taking a chance but I'm not sure. Any suggestions or is this stupid?

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How about inviting her for dinner for her birthday? If she's interested she will accept it gladly, if not she will let you know that she wouldn't feel comfortable to be invited by you.

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If there is a will there is a way, KK. To show interest in someone that is a friend requires some tact as well as patience. You need to start by giving her some compliments and letting her know you view her as a women. Don't go over the top just tell her she is looking nice. If she responds to this and doesn't start getting weirded out or backing off then you can suggest a nice dinner sometime. Just make sure she knows it is a date and not just hanging out. When you go out dress nice and do all the things guys do when they are trying to make a good impression on a gal. If she is game then you are well on your way...


Good Luck...

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Good ideas guys-she's on vacation so I'll see what I can do when she gets back. Any thoughts on a gift? She helps out w/ my classes so I'll get her something regardless. Any thoughts on the ex factor? They haven't talked in a few months at least. This girl is cute and good at karate................c'mon how hot is that. Again, a person couldn't ask for a more idea situation..........if she's interested. I'm not sure she feels that I view her in that "way" either. Who knows?

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Originally posted by karatekid


2. She introduced me to my current ex. They had somewhat of a falling out and rarely speak..............but still.



Ow you really know how to smoke out a blonde. Is it just me or does having a Current Ex something kewl to do these days.

Anyone want to be my current ex?

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