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How to deal with bf taking sleeping pills again???

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My bf has been going through some tough emotional times since the end of July. It is really taking a toll on me. He has told me that he feels alot of anger and not sure the reason behind it. While he has been going through this, I have been pushed away emotionally. When you see a partner hurting, it affects you as well. Last night, we argued and slept in separate rooms.


I got up early this morning and left the apartment to avoid any contact with him. He left to go on an overnight camping trip with his son. I was supposed to go as well, but I didn't want to with the way things are.


Once he left for camping, I came home and started to tidy up. I came across a pharmacy receipt in his desk drawer for zopiclone, a type of sleeping pill. He told me that he had an addiction to this pill for many years. This past spring, he promised he would kick the habit. When he told me of his pill addiction, I told him that I would stay in the relationship if he would work to get clean, and not or sneak anything behind my back.


The pharmacy receipt is dated for August 3, 2005. My heart dropped and I have been crying since. He lied to me and I don't if he has been taking pills all along, or is this the first perscription? He won't be home until tomorrow night and I am sitting here at my wits end. I love this man dearly and do not wish to leave. But I feel like he is forcing me to with all that has been going on lately.


I could really use some advice, words of wisdom right now.

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Sleeping pills arent as bad as a lot of other things. Just talk to him about it but dont acuse him. First just ask and see if hes honest with you.

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I have so much to say on this topic, I just don't know where to begin.


Please realize he is taking a prescription med that his doctor has recommended.


I take Zopiclone - 2 tabs every night.


You seem to be quite unknowledgeable in respect to the millions of us, who suffer from chronic insomnia.


You present this as if he is abusing illicit street drugs, or something.


The new generation of sleeping are generally safe, and with very few side



Withdrawal symptoms can be somewhat severe if the med is stopped suddenly....but that doesn't usually happen because the doctor helps wean you off of them, by reducing the dosage slightly every week.


My doctor said long-term usage is safe with Zoplicone.


Look, it's not like he's an IV drug user, this is NOT a street drug.


If he's got major anxiety happening in his life right now, then he needs his meds.


Try being supportive, and do not add even more stress.

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