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Is it still love? Or just being comfortable?

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Hi all, this is my first time posting on a forum but I have found myself in a dilemma and I need some advice. I have been dating a man for almost a year now, we have lived together for most of our relationship in my house with my two kids that adore him. In the beginning things were perfect writing eachother I love you's all day, bringing me flowers, telling me I'm his favorite person in the world. But for the past few months now all that has stopped, he no longer takes the time to do those sweet things anymore that let's me know that I'm still what he wants. Nothing but blank stares, an attitude, and the occasional sex which is nice but doesn't feel as passionate as it once was. I know people go through a "honeymoon" phase in the beginning of all relationships but what are the boundaries of an ending honeymoon phase and a man just not being into it anymore. I know he loves me but is that enough

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Hi all, this is my first time posting on a forum but I have found myself in a dilemma and I need some advice. I have been dating a man for almost a year now, we have lived together for most of our relationship in my house with my two kids that adore him. In the beginning things were perfect writing eachother I love you's all day, bringing me flowers, telling me I'm his favorite person in the world. But for the past few months now all that has stopped, he no longer takes the time to do those sweet things anymore that let's me know that I'm still what he wants. Nothing but blank stares, an attitude, and the occasional sex which is nice but doesn't feel as passionate as it once was. I know people go through a "honeymoon" phase in the beginning of all relationships but what are the boundaries of an ending honeymoon phase and a man just not being into it anymore. I know he loves me but is that enough


Same thing with my past relationship. It seems they say and do whatever to lure you in, then when they have you they slack off. This means their intentions weren't pure to begin with. A person with pure intentions would be ecstatic at the fact that you've fallen for them. Also, people like this do not know how to love. When the emotions get too deep, they try to make you out to look like a clingy maniac when it was them who made you feel like it was okay and appropriate to draw near. They usually have a problem with intimacy. Mines was molested as a child and that's where his problem was. Yours could be something similar or they are afraid of drawing close from being hurt in the past. It's like they want love but afraid of it as well.

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