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I hope I did the right thing

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I was on LS for awhile back in Jan, Feb, March...Then C and I got back together (he came back) and made lots of promises...ie. that he would put our relationship first (before his friends), that he would go to counselling, that he would try and work things out as long as it took


I don't really feel that he kept any of his promises. My grandpa is dying right now and I'm staying with him and my grandma to help take care of him. I had been very upset and C and I were talking every night on the phone UNTIL...he went to Seattle with his friends, and I didn't hear from him for an entire week.


When he came back I was upset because he hadn't called me at all even though he knew I was going through a hard time. He said that he "had no excuse for not calling, he just hadn't called" and that he "messed up".


He also completely disregarded our anniversary, even though I let him know CLEARLY that it was important to me. By disregard I mean he did nothing, didn't even say "happy anniversary"


Anyways, I broke up with him 2 days ago and we haven't talked since. He told me that he hated me for breaking up with him over something so small and not to call him ever again. At this point I backed down and told him that if he felt so strongly about it, we could try and work things out if he wanted. He said no, that I had made the choice for both of us and there was no going back. Maybe he's right.


I know I'm doing the right thing, I want someone who wants to call me when he goes away with his friends on a trip (even once would have been nice!), especially when I'm going through a hard time, but I still second-guess myself, wondering if maybe I'm making a bigger deal about everything than I should be. AM I?

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You did the right thing-its easy to second guess. If you care about someone and they are struggling you have to be there for them. Sounds as if all you wanted was a call. Sounds like a lot of little things added up to one big problem. Try to find someone who will appreciate you. It won't be easy-good luck!!

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thanks guys!


I know I did the right thing, it's just that the thought of having to start all over again scares me and I feel like calling C and running back, which I know wouldn't work in the long-term, but would be comforting in the short-term.

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