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Can't stop thinking about her dating someone else, it is the most difficult part.


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We've been together for 6 years and she broke up with me 2 and a half months ago, tried to bring her back but it didn't work. Can't stop thinking about her seeing someone else, it is destroying me.

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Im in exactly the same boat, 6 years, then she moved close to me like five month back, then broke up with me and now is seeing someone else. I see them quite a bit and it is gut wrenching to say the least. It will pass...

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You’re in that fragile post-breakup stage. It’s understandable, especially after 6 years of being together.


Two or three months are not enough. The breakup before last, was tough and recovering from it took me about 5 months. She didn’t breakup with me. I broke up with her, but the emotional pain that I knew the breakup left her with, triggered in me strong guilt feelings. I was so hard on myself that I wished she were the one who had done the breaking up.



The last breakup, well, recovery from that took about a year. In the first 3 months post breakup, I kept imagining myself in a new relationship in a matter of weeks. That didn’t happen.



But I think it was for the best. It gave me some time to reflect and a chance to do stuff I wanted to do, but hadn’t until then.



As for your ex being with someone else, I think it’ll be easier if you brushed those thoughts aside and looked at her behavior as having nothing to do with you. Unless you verbally or physically abused her, the fact she’s with someone else is not a reflection on you. Some will stay, others will go. And since you can’t make someone want to stay, then it’s easier to make peace with the fact that there is always someone out there who will choose to stay.



I don’t know why she’s with another person, some people like pie, others prefer cake.



And I know the feeling, but don’t let it bother you. Say to yourself, “I’m better off without her.” Try to distract yourself and gently move away from constantly thinking these thoughts. Otherwise they will consume you and it won’t be healthy.





Trust in yourself. You will be okay. I know it’s tough, but give yourself some space to grieve the relationship without adding on the heavy weight of blaming yourself or feeling like a lesser person. You’re not.

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