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When to take protein shakes?

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I started hitting the gym back in November. I go three times a week, once on the weekend. The goal is to gain some size and increase strength. So to achieve I've thought about taking supplements, whey protein in particular. A few questions.

Should I take a protein shake RIGHT after working out?

Water or milk with whey protein powder?

How often should I take protein shakes?

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You should have your protein shake right after your workout. If your goal is to gain muscle and strength, the general consensus is that you should be ingesting about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Whey protein is good but I'm vegan so I only do plant based protein. And I have gained muscle AND lost fat.


I really like Mike Matthews' workout philosophy. He has a book called Bigger Learner Stronger that has changed the way I lift; basically heavy weight, low reps. It's unconventional in terms of what you will see most guys doing in the gym and what the magazines suggest. I have had gains in strength every week since the beginning of November when I started this. Sorry I'm typing this on my iPad and posting links is a pain.


I hope this helps. Keep at it, I love lifting weights and it's the best thing I've done for myself in recent years. I've gained loads of confidence and people are always asking me what I'm doing to change my body the way I have. Good luck.

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You should have your protein shake right after your workout. If your goal is to gain muscle and strength, the general consensus is that you should be ingesting about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Whey protein is good but I'm vegan so I only do plant based protein. And I have gained muscle AND lost fat.


I really like Mike Matthews' workout philosophy. He has a book called Bigger Learner Stronger that has changed the way I lift; basically heavy weight, low reps. It's unconventional in terms of what you will see most guys doing in the gym and what the magazines suggest. I have had gains in strength every week since the beginning of November when I started this. Sorry I'm typing this on my iPad and posting links is a pain.


I hope this helps. Keep at it, I love lifting weights and it's the best thing I've done for myself in recent years. I've gained loads of confidence and people are always asking me what I'm doing to change my body the way I have. Good luck.




Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Studies show it doesnt matter when you consume your protein just as long as you get between a gram to a gram and a half per pound of body weight. The right after a wormout stuff is just bro science. In fact if you eat the right foods theres no need for protein shakes period.

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I used to drink one after each workout. Supposedly it helps heal so you're not as sore the next day. I stopped drinking them and noticed absolutely no difference. That's a lie, I noticed I felt less bloated. No difference in muscle soreness

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Milk. Idk there’s no right way to drink a protein shake in my experience. Just choke it down after a workout and try to keep it down

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I started hitting the gym back in November. I go three times a week, once on the weekend. The goal is to gain some size and increase strength. So to achieve I've thought about taking supplements, whey protein in particular. A few questions.

Should I take a protein shake RIGHT after working out?

Water or milk with whey protein powder?

How often should I take protein shakes?


I am 49 and in the best shape of my life. I do cross-fit, run, moderate lifting and I guzzle down 2- 750 calorie shakes a day (~35 grams of protein)! I work out 4-5x per week. On days I don't work out, I do about 1/4 of my regular daily work out. I am not trying to look like Lou Ferrigno and won't, but I have built considerable lean muscle.


You should gradually take protein as if you may get gas, bloating, diarrhea at the beginning. I use water and blend with fresh fruit. Mostly red/purple berries and a nice banana. I also use whey.


This has been my MO for a while and I feel great.

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I take protein or protein shakes before a workout. The general consensus is you take it after and I used to be in that camp but after listening to an expert with decades of experience in the field he advised that you take it before a workout so that when your body is screaming for protein during the workout it’s already digested.


As far as post nutrition goes, it’s really about replacing muscle glycogen so anything that’s pure sugar such as a piece of fruit or gummy bears. If you’re interested in gaining size the most important meal is the pre-workout meal.

Edited by Interstellar
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I used to drink one after each workout. Supposedly it helps heal so you're not as sore the next day. I stopped drinking them and noticed absolutely no difference. That's a lie, I noticed I felt less bloated. No difference in muscle soreness


You think by taking protein shakes it will make you feel less sore the next day? lol. who told you this? If you like to drink whey, you need to do it for life. Its like eating a food. Its part of your diet. Real food is always better though.


A protein shake, is food. Its a food. I don't care if it comes in a powdered form. Its still a food and you supplement it. There is no magic healing powers in protein. Yes the aminos help rebuild the damaged tissue. But Its like eating chicken or steak. The only difference is, whey protein, isolate to be exact, is absorbed very quickly into the blood stream and stays active for 90 minutes. where as food, will take longer to absorb but will last hrs in the blood stream. If you can eat and cook 5 to 6 solid real food meals a day, you do not need protein shakes.


The only way for you to not feel sore is if you train like a wuss or are on a heavy dose of testosterone or IGF 1 LR3 or DES. even then, you will still feel sore but not as bad as when your natural. The recovery rate while on gear is rapid.


I prefer whey isolate with a fat source to slow down the digestion. two scoops of whey isolate with one tablespoon of peanut butter or coconut oil. This will prolong the break down of the isolate.


And if nobody hear likes or agrees with whey, the best supplement IMO is redcon 1 MRE. Its based on real foods and the protein source comes from fish, meat, egg white, and chicken. It does not get better than this. The taste is out of this world and you will never think you are drinking salmon protein or meat protein. . END THREAD.

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  • 1 month later...

What Sorano says



People should use shakes to get more calories/protein in - because they can't prepare and eat enough real food throughout the day and they are trying to gain or maintain weight.


Thats it. As Sorano says, its a food source, thats it.


On the muscle soreness (DOMS), again, unless you're an absolute newbie, in which case almost any activity will leave you sore, its unavoidable. However, I've been getting some result, not a great result, but some small relief, from using a fair intake of l-glutamine. I'm post 50 and am trying some test boosters too, but the jury is definitely out on that, I'm not yet convinced that these actually do anything with relation to DOMS.


Sleep is the best remedy for DOMS imho - if you're currently getting 8 hours a night, try getting 10, if you can, and see if that helps. For me, it does, though 10 hours a night is tough to fit into ones life regularly ... if you can do it, it will pay off ... in your gains as well.

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