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Fresh breakup, not doing so hot


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Let me weave you a tale, briefly.


In February, I met a wonderful girl. She was smart, pretty, she was everything I wanted. I really thought she was the one.


In October, though, it seemed she'd had enough, and we broke up. The tricky part is that she said that we'll still be friends.


For me...this has been torture, as I'm sure you can assume. I've made the mistake of continuing to talk to her, and the even more grievous mistake of asking how she's doing.


And I've been going out of my mind. One minute I'm fine, the next I'm on the verge of tears. So obviously, coping hasn't been going very well.


So I came back here. I was here a couple years ago, being the "other guy," and that relationship? Well...that ended in a train wreck. As for this one...I still like her...and I'd like to be friends...but right now, I just can't do it. As much as it pains me to do it, I'm going to attempt to go NC. I just told her that I was "Sorry. For everything." And that's it. Nothing else.


I don't really want to do it. It hurts to cut her out like that, when we were so close, but if I keep talking to her like everything's fine...I know it'll destroy me.


But I'm also welcome to any hints or tips you can give me. This is going to be very rough on me...but I'm going to try my best. I hope you can all help, and I thank you all in advance.

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A good cry sometimes helps, though it's not very convenient if you're around other people. If it's definitely over it's best to keep your distance as regular contact will just make it hard for you to move on and recover.

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