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Fallen in love with Best friend and in desperate need of help

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Hi. I saw this forum and decided I'd post something to see if anyone could help me out. I have this best friend and we've known each other for about 6 years, but have been best friends for only 3 or 4 years. We've been through EVERYTHING together & we basically know everything about each other. And about half a year ago I was bi-curious and had a very short relationship with another girl. It about tore my best friend apart to find something like that out about me when she thought she knew everything. Well on and off I liked my best friend more than just a friend, but never really took it seriously and forgot about it since I'm not like that anymore. Well then about 5months ago it developed into more. I got jealous when she was on the phone with someone else, I hated all her boyfriends, and I thought my world revolved around her. All I wanted to do with my time was be with her.


Just last week I decided to tell her what I was feeling. The problem is I told her I "use" to like her. I told her basically everything I felt honestly except that big factor. She didn't freak out or anything. But then the question came up and she asked me. She asked me if I still liked her. I really wanted to tell her I really didn't know, but it was so hard to. So I said no. And she said okay. But right now I really don't know how I feel. I'm not like that with any other girls beause I've straightened up, but when it comes to her sometimes I don't know...She's an exception.


And this is all really hard on me so I needed to ask somebody for help. I really wanna get over her, but I don't know how. And I want to know if it's normal to like your best friend more than you should. So please someone help me out immediately.

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