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How to talk to her

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

OK, i work at a bank in the technical services (fixing there PC's when they are broken) and there is this girl that works as a teller at one of our banks across town.


Well i have a huge crush on her and i want to get to know her better. She knows i work at the bank also because i went over there once to fix her PC. I have only talked to her a few times. I go through the teller line (she works in the drive through) usually about once every 2 or 3 weeks or so.


Everytime i go through, she always smiles really big at me and she waves at me. I want to get to know her but im not sure how to approach it. She is really beautiful, and i think about her alot. How can i get to know her a better? Its like my mind goes totally blank everytime i run into her. what can i say?


I guess im just shy or something, but im just not sure a good approach to get to talk to her and im afraid my mind will go blank, (being nervous). Does anyone have any suggestions?

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You should just start casually and work your way up to more lengthy conversations - that way you can find out whether she is actually what you're looking for before you jump in, go on a date, and risk getting yourself into an awkward situation. Girls always go for guys who value friendship. Once you prove your not just some horny sleazebag, she'll be interested. Give her compliments - girls LOVE that; but DO NOT be sleazy -like, don't comment on her breasts or figure! Maybe just start by telling her the truth, "You know, you have a great smile. What's your name?'


good luck!

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Do you get a chance to talk to her anytime or anyplace other than the drive-thru? If you do, then go through the normal channels of talking and then work up to asking her for a date.


If the only place you get to see her is at the drive-thru, try this:


Next time you go do some banking business...write a note on one of your deposit slips. Tell her you would like a chance to talk to her some more and would feel privileged if she would join you for lunch. Of course, make sure that she is the one that will be helping you and make sure you don't have any weapons, in case someone thinks you are trying to hold up the place.


She will call you if she is interested. But don't feel bad if she doesn't call. It could just be bad timing and you can try again later.

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