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Is this girl for real?

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Okay so I got a new job as a part time trailing specialist in some shopping complex. As usual my first day of work, so for the first few hours I was quite busy. After I got everything set up I noticed that there was this girl was was working in another department not 10 feet away from me. The first time I looked at her I didn't find her attractive or anything so I just carried on with my work. A while later I started socializing my other new found colleagues. Then somehow or rather she came into the picture, and we started talking. We talked about our jobs and stuff, and after sometime I asked her if she would like to join me for lunch during my break hours but she told me that she was waiting for her boyfriend, so I left for lunch without her. As days past we talked even more and she even started flirting with me. Then one day she asked me if there was a vacancy in my department, and if there was, was I free to accompany her to the interview. So I just say we will see how things work out and if I have the time I wouldn't mind. Then one day she asked me what time would I be going for my lunch break and told me we could go for lunch together. This is kind of weird cause ever since she told me she was waiting for her bf for lunch I didn't bother to ask her out for lunch again. Then I saw her bf came which was a little earlier then usual and they went out, when she got back it was almost time for lunch. Before I left she asked me where I was going for lunch so I told her and I left. The real question is... is this girl for real? Or am I just receiving her hints wrongly?

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Keep it friendly! This sounds like the girl fancies you but has a boyfriend. This situation is a bad one. Everyone likes to flirt once in a while but make sure you only keep to this. If she fancies you and has had enough of her boyfriend, things may start to occur between the two of you. Bad news. You may get attached and then result in being hurt when she might not leave her boyfriend, and her boyfriend will definately be hurt. Your only sensible option is to flirt without being serious about it to yourself, and leave anything more until she is actually available. Luv Samantha x

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Originally posted by elijahBailey

IMHO, she wasn't even flirting. You might be reading too deep into it.


Ditto. Sounds to me like she definitely wants to be friends with you. She made it clear to you that she has a boyfriend and then pursued a relationship, platonic, with you. She's taken. If you want to be friends with her then do so. It sounds like that's all she's offering at this point in time.

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