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Betrayed Trust | My Sexual Past | Sexual Transitted Infections

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I would like to ask for your opinion and maybe experience.

I'm in my late 20s and have been with a great person for about three monthes.

So far things have been great. But we differ a lot regarding our sexual past. My boyfriend (26) has only slept with his first girlfriend. Finding out about parts of my sexual past - like me having a three some - has been a huge problem. But now he asked with how many men I've been and truth told: When I told him that I had been intimate with 9 men before him (slept with 6 of them) he considers me promiscuous.


The main trouble here: I did get tested on some diseases. But not all and I never brought the topic up. He knew that I had been with other men and that I did not use a condom when giving blow jobs. This probably why, I asked my doctor to get me tested on everything. But when she refused, I only insisted on a few... This was before I started to take the pill and before we had sex without a condom.


I don't know. The only thing that changed is that he now knows with how many men I have been and that he estimates the risk of me having some infection much higher. I feel irresponsible. He is rightly blaming me for risking his health. I gave him a blow job without using a condom before we ever talked about our sexual past. This is what is bothering most.


To me this is real love for the first time. We both feel that this could have been the beginning of something great. Which is probably why he doesn't want to give up on us. I don't know how to explain nor how to regain trust.


Anyone out there who has gone wrong

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Guuuurl you better ditch that man fast. Just because he, at 26, decided to only sleep with one girl to date, does NOT make your decisions, in any way, [promiscuous]. Not in ANY sense.


If we're talking numbers, i've been with far less guys (sex) than any of my girl friends and I have a higher number than you. So don't feel bad about it at all. Just do your thing and be safe.


Get your full STD testing-urine and blood- and then you're good to go. Don't let ANYONE speak that way to you EVER.

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