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Jealousy emerged slightly

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This week is particularly hard controlling my jealousy and had voiced my displeasure twice. Reading the responses in my old posts helped me feel better. I think talking about it here also helps. Please let me know if this is over the top.


Checking into the hotel, a pretty girl was making some conversation and misheard our last name was Christmas. DH laughed really enthusiastically and looking to engage further which she did not.


In public transportation train, we were sitting down and girls got on and was standing in front of us. He didn’t look over per say until we were about to get off. He stood up staring directly at them and by the motion of standing up, he got really close to them.


Standing in line behind a girl with very short shorts. Stood very close and when she pulled out her iPhone to look at, he also watched what she was doing.


In a restaurant we had bad service and he was not talking to the waitress or barely looking at her. Of course when a pretty waitress came by, he did a double take and smiled really big and asked to see our waitress. Normally if it was a guy, he would have asked to see our waitress in an upset tone about the service.


Anyways want to hear your honest thoughts on this.

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I think it’s safe to say that your husband still has a pulse.


Seriously though, he’s a man and he’s going to notice good looking females. In the examples you described, he didn’t disrespect you or behave inappropriately. It was just you picking up on subtle behavioral cues (because of how well you know your husband) where you could tell he was attracted to other women.


By the way, a bit of jealousy is a good thing. It means you care.

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