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holiday hopping boyfriend

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I have been with my boyfriend 3 and a half years and normally we go on holiday together each summer. He also goes with friends without me. I know that he would never cheat but can not understand why he would want to go on holiday without me.

I am not a bunny boiler or anything, we both give each other space. A week apart is a long time and I miss him too much, it actually hurts. This year I have had no money and have not been on holiday with him at all. He has gone on holiday with his best mate. He didn't even ask how I felt about him going. What do you think about my situation? x

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I don't see anything wrong I think you just feel bad cause you cant go. Why didn't he pay for your way?

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Probably, my family seem to think our relationship is doomed because of it! And as much as I try its rubbing off on me! He would never pay for me though, because thats the way he has been brought up. He is as tight as his Dad with money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my fiance has just gone away with his mate for a week, its so hard, i know he wouldnt do anything to hurt me but i miss him so much, i feel stupid because i cried when he left but its just the thought that your not with them for a whole week. so depressing. he will be feeligit to believe me, maybe not as much as you but thats only because hes somewhere new and doing different things, while were stuck here doing the same everyday things except they are missing? i feel exactly the same as you but they just dont think they are doing anything wrong and really they're not? hope i have helped in some small way? he'll be back soon and the best part of it is, he's coming back to you.

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Entirely different take:


Could be for the sake of his friends. If one of my friends invited me on a trip with him and his girlfriend, I'd refuse: watching a serious couple be in love is kinda painful for a guy who's single.


Or it could be that he wants to do things that that he doesn't think you'd enjoy. I dunno, maybe he's into dirtbiking and doesn't want you to freak out watching him do something dangerous with the guys.


Or, it could a bad sign for your relationship.


Just throwing out equally-valid "not a bad sign" options!

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