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How can a large man be the victim?


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This is the first time I've ever heard of anything like this. I'll refer to the victim as Mike.


By my neighbor's own account and him as a witness once, his best friend Mike used to literally get physically abused by his wife. The abuse started after their 2nd year of marriage till they finally divorced after their oldest daughter graduated from High School.


Two of the incidents told:

- They got into an argument and he locked himself in the bathroom, thinking there was nothing she could do at that point. The woman still broke the door with all her might and started landing some blows.:eek:


- Him walking away and getting in his car while his wife was yelling profanities and chasing him with a broom.


I've been introduced to Mike once and that guy is 6'4, around 220 lbs. His then wife was an insignificant 5'6 and 125 Ibs. I'm new this is type of ironic abuse. No one deserves to get abused but wow how can a giant like that get abused?

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It would be very easy to abuse a large man if he doesn't fight back or otherwise restrain the perpetrator. Especially if she's strong enough to break a door. I'm bigger than her, but I'd probably break a shoulder rather than the door.


Why is the abuse ironic?

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It would be very easy to abuse a large man if he doesn't fight back or otherwise restrain the perpetrator. Especially if she's strong enough to break a door. I'm bigger than her, but I'd probably break a shoulder rather than the door.


Why is the abuse ironic?

You're right. Both Mike and my neighbor are now in their late 40's, raised in the old-fashioned way. During their early childhoods, they knew it was frowned upon to ever get physical with a girl in anger. At the time Mike thought he was doing something wrong to cause his wife to be upset.


I thought it was ironic because that's not too common. Usually the abuser is the stronger individual that uses power and control.

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Laughing ass of here.

My ex was only 5 ft l'm 6ft but she was one scary litte f@cker when she cracked it.


But of course l'm not gonna take a swing at her. :bunny:

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There are lots of ways in which people can commit crimes (and yes, physical assault is a crime) regardless of size. I could easily commit plenty of pretty heinous violent crimes despite being 5'. The reason I don't do so is not because of my size.


In this case, he probably couldn't bring himself to hit her back, so he did the right thing (IMO) and left the scene.

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Usually the abuser is the stronger individual that uses power and control.


But she WAS the stronger individual who used power and control.

Strength is not all about being bigger.

Plenty smaller men wield power and control over larger men too.


Abusers often have a big advantage as no matter how abusive they are the abused person/victim does not/can not/will not fight back, or if they do they are easily disarmed.


Verbal/emotional abuse can be very powerful too, targetted hurtful words can turn a huge man to jelly in an instant.


In the relationship setting, "love" can used by the abuser to gain advantage.

"I know he/she loves me so I know he/she will put up with any old garbage I throw at them..."

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"Ironic abuse"




Abuse is abuse whether it is male or female and the size of the person means nothing.


My first marriage I was an abused spouse, I was also stronger than my then wife.

She would block doorways, throw things, break doors... she even punched me in the face once while I was driving the car.

She would come at me with "items".. whether it was a hairbrush or pair of scissors didn't mean anything..


You can't touch a person like that or YOU are the one that winds up getting ARRESTED for DV.


There are tons and tons of things my ExW did to me to physically abuse me that would shock you, once while asleep she felt like kicking me in the small of the back and kicked me off the bed while doing that.


So believe the guy, don't think because he is 240 that he is crying wolf...

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Shyt she sounds like one nasty pasty AC.


But anyway the reason mine use to make me laugh was because she was so tiny yet she had this temper .

She'd have a go at anyone, they could be 12 feet tall wouldn't worry her,it was bloody funny sometimes.

She' never get physical though but often the things she'd say would really mess with your head she was the master of brain f@ck

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Anyone can be a victim of abuse.


The two examples you gave, these will have happened following emotional abuse over a period of time.


I'm a pretty strong, confident woman and I've experienced abuse. It starts out subtle, in the very early stages comes across as flattering even.


I had never experienced any kind of emotional abuse before and luckily for me it escalated right at the time I was falling for the guy. I never did fall for him and made several attempts to get away. I just could not understand at all what he was thinking at the time as the things I got 'in trouble' for were completely bizarre.

This was a long distance relationship too and the uneducated on abuse have told me that there is absolutely no way abuse can happen in a long distance relationship - this is utter rubbish - of course it can!


I did a lot of research after my experience to figure out what on earth happened and I know an awful lot about the subject now.

I also know the clearest first sign that a person could be/become abusive and it's not having a temper or anything remotely similar.


I see that indicator which I have learned about on LS a lot - much more than I ever thought possible. Learning about the subject has certainly opened my eyes.

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There are lots of ways in which people can commit crimes (and yes, physical assault is a crime) regardless of size. I could easily commit plenty of pretty heinous violent crimes despite being 5'. The reason I don't do so is not because of my size.


In this case, he probably couldn't bring himself to hit her back, so he did the right thing (IMO) and left the scene.

Yes, that woman took advantage of his soft spot for women. Both my neighbor and him were raised that way.


It's sad that the people most affected by DV in the household are the children.

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"Ironic abuse"




Abuse is abuse whether it is male or female and the size of the person means nothing.


My first marriage I was an abused spouse, I was also stronger than my then wife.

She would block doorways, throw things, break doors... she even punched me in the face once while I was driving the car.

She would come at me with "items".. whether it was a hairbrush or pair of scissors didn't mean anything..


You can't touch a person like that or YOU are the one that winds up getting ARRESTED for DV.


There are tons and tons of things my ExW did to me to physically abuse me that would shock you, once while asleep she felt like kicking me in the small of the back and kicked me off the bed while doing that.


So believe the guy, don't think because he is 240 that he is crying wolf...

Wow, your ex wife was a nasty, wretch. Glad to hear you're no long with her but at the time did you eventually report her?
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This is an easy way to understand the distinction, a very important one, between violence from a woman to a man( especially a large man) and that of a man towards a woman.

Listen to this sentence describing the experience of a man who says his female partner was abusive to him

"...she came at me, I could have easily hit her, and easily overpowered her, but I didn't let myself"


To that of a woman describing being assaulted by her male partner "....he came at me , and I could have hit him but he would have easily overpowered me"


To a slightly lesser degree a man physically beating a woman is like an adult hitting a child. It is pretty much except for the rare exception always going to be a power imbalance of size, muscle strength- it just is... ok some women can be tough, but physiologically men are a lot stronger than women- isn't that why there are women's self defense classes specifically taught for women to learn certain techniques so there is **less of a power imbalance since Mother Nature mostly will always result in a male having an advantage over a woman physically. I have never seen a self defense class teaching men how to learn tricks or techniques to lessen the power advantage a woman will presumably have over them.

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Because he allows it.


Because the law and society is against him if he tries to defend himself. Which reinforced by people thinking things like “how can a large man be abused”.


When the truth of the matter is women -no matter how small - can be aggressive, abisive, and dangerous. And many take advantage of knowing that he’ll most likely be arrested in an altercation even if she was the aggressor.


That’s why men should end relationships with abusive women early. Don’t tolerate it. Or you’ll end locking yourself in the bathroom to keep your freedom.

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Because he allows it.






Key word-- allows

He allows it.


Helped make my point in post above


Difference is, in the case of a male, he can allow it.

Why? Because he has the advantage physically- he can allow it. This means he has the physical strength and advantage not to allow it.


In the case of a woman the word allow doesn't come into play

That's the difference the critical difference between the two

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Key word-- allows

He allows it.


Helped make my point in post above


Difference is, in the case of a male, he can allow it.

Why? Because he has the advantage physically- he can allow it. This means he has the physical strength and advantage not to allow it.


In the case of a woman the word allow doesn't come into play

That's the difference the critical difference between the two


I disagree the word “allow” doesn’t come into play with a woman.


For both men and women, the solution is to leave. The situation or the relationship.


The man’s physical strength is irrelevant because to use it is to risk jail time.


Women who tolerate abuse and stay in abusive situations allow it just as this man is doing. If a person is physically restrained and held against their will, that goes beyond mere abuse. But, if you have the opportunity to remove yourself from the situation and stay, you’re allowing it. Male or female.

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Somehow you didn't seem to understand my point. In answer to the question in the thread your answer as I quoted above was "because he allows it"


Allowing it is very different than being unable to not allow or allow it. In other words your words made my point--- a man can be hurt physically by a woman because as you said above "he allows it"

That implies he has the advantage over a female of his physical strength over her to **not allow** it if he wanted to.


A woman who physically is smaller and weaker physically doesn't have the advantage to be in a position to decide to either allow it or not allow it.


There is a lot of educational resources online and through the national dv hotline to understand why a female cannot usually just up and leave it is not that simple and in addition statistically a woman is many times more likely to become a **homicide ** victim during or after leaving. Talk about an incentive not to leave or to hesitate to do so. Your information above is incorrect and misleading that if a woman stays that means she is "allowing" it. For some of the reasons I just listed- living in that state of being physically assaulted and threatened creates a state of mental fear and basically makes the female believe she is stuck- mental health professionals liken the effects of a female living in domestic violence to that of living in military combat. It causes a traumatic effect in the brain and body of the victim making them believe they are stuck and helpless to stop it-- and because it's common for an abuser to threaten the victim if they leave its easy to see why that creates further being stuck. That's why they are now in the law making more changes and some have already been made. In some counties victims of dv if they have to testify on the stand in some counties the district attorney provides them a service dog to go with them on the stand to lessen their trauma of testifying and having to see the perpetrator there.


A woman might be able to inflict some damage to a man but it is nothing compared to vice verse-- why we see women's self defense classes, designed to teach techniques to women to help defend themselves against a man if they're attacked, since they do not have the brawn or muscle strength of a man to fight equally. You always see these classes everywhere and oftentimes parents will have a young daughter who is a teen or young woman take a course like this, or sometimes a mom and daughter together. I was watching several online real classes and a male instructor told the women about how they will be learning certain techniques since they are physically at a disadvantage with a man, the reasons he teaches them other kind of techniques to get away or to incur at least less serious injuries-- didn't see anything for teaching men how to protect themselves from women- bc.. they have the physical advantage to start with

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I knew what you were saying.


I understand women can be physically restrained, threatened, or put into a financially disadvantageous situation that makes it difficult for her to leave.


Still, at the first opportunity, I think she should leave.


My ex-wife started her career as a counselor that worked with abused women. There are resources available. Friends, family, the police, shelters, and other programs.


To stay in an abusive situation when you have the opportunity to do something about it is allowing abuse to continue. Whether you are male or female.

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To stay in an abusive situation when you have the opportunity to do something about it is allowing abuse to continue. Whether you are male or female.
I have to agree with this. There is nothing good about being with an abusive partner.


What on earth did he saw in her that made him stay with her for years? Maybe I can understand the women staying out of fear, Stockholm Syndrome or not being alone but why would a man stay with an abusive wife????

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I knew what you were saying.


I understand women can be physically restrained, threatened, or put into a financially disadvantageous situation that makes it difficult for her to leave.


Still, at the first opportunity, I think she should leave.


My ex-wife started her career as a counselor that worked with abused women. There are resources available. Friends, family, the police, shelters, and other programs.


To stay in an abusive situation when you have the opportunity to do something about it is allowing abuse to continue. Whether you are male or female.


Agree. Women often allow their abusers. Sure at the time the abuse is actually taking place a woman does not have a choice to allow or not, but later, when the abuser is crying his crocodile tears and begging for the woman to not leave or begging her to come back and she decides to stay, that is allowing abuse. Also most abusers don't jump right into physical assault. It's starts gradually and builds. Usually it begins with verbal and mental abuse and controlling behaviour. By staying women allow the mental abuse to continue and to escalate.


While it's true that men have a physical advantage over women, I'd say that the power abusers have over their victims is mostly psychological. Victims of domestic abuse often become isolated and emotionally dependent on their abusers, they usually love their abuser and feel pity/guilt towards them. Sometimes they are financially dependent or have children with their abuser. They are afraid of what will happen to the kids if they leave. Will they be okay? Will their abuser be able to get sole custody and forever keep the kids away (a common threat made by the abusive partner) Will the abuser abuse my kids if I'm not there to protect them? And on and on the uncertainty and what ifs continue and paralyze the abused. This isn't to say that a man physically assaulting a weaker woman isn't a truly horrific disgusting act. It's terrible and unforgivable. But the psychological component of domestic abuse is often what compels a victim to stay and "allow" abuse and has little to do with gender and who is stronger.

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As a big man - I spent most of my life avoiding violence or showing aggression. 1) because its not my nature 2) Because in many instances people are intimidated by me just meeting me - let alone if I show mild anger - they get scared - they have said it and I have seen the look in their eyes - and I hate it I dont want to scare people.



I have had some people take advantage of #1 above - mostly other guys looking to feel good about themselves when I was in school.


Several years ago I got into MMA at a local gym. Train with many smaller guys and also with women. I still have to be very very careful on how I train or lightly spar with people so as not to injure them. Occasionally my instructor says "Dichotomy your not showing intensity - ramp it up" Half the time the person looks at me and says please dont listen to the instructor. Occasionally I get a tough gal who says I can tap her a bit harder with punches or kicks and stop being so gentle :love:. I feel very little even when they hit me back - even medium hard.


My wife has hit me twice in anger- once in the stomach back hand - and once in the chest with fist. She hurt her hand both times. I felt no pain just shock. If I was to have hit her in anger just once - she would have ended up in the Emergency center and me in jail. Size matters.


Not excusing abuse. My wife did this twice in over a decade. If it was all the time - and extended - I would have actually filed charges myself - before I would hit back - again I go to jail because there would be injuries at my size.


Maybe for the husband in this story it was more the emotional abuse factor - he never felt fear for his life or body injury. Thats a big difference with women who are abused by a larger man - they do end up in the emergency ward or worse.

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To some who are unaware of the intricate dynamics involved as to why a woman doesn't just leave and especially to those who say she is "allowing" it, please for the love of God google "domestic violence why victims don't leave", "domestic violence ptsd in", "Stockholm syndrome in domestic violence " "effects of ptsd that prevent women from leaving domestic violence", " psychology in trauma domestic violence" and "battered women syndrome " ," lethality risk increase when leaving domestic violence relationship", "homicide during or after leaving domestic violence"--- please ftlog


And then, sit down and look up "male batterers, why do they batter" focus on the issue of the person committing the crime, rather than blaming them victim to some degree for being a victim of crime


People who are in a bank when it got held up had no business being there , they were asking for it when they went running around going to banks-- i tend to think in my opinion even though I've never been in a hold up I'm sure if they REALLY wanted to leave they coulda found a way to leave, they just wanted to allow it...and some people agree with me that people who go runnin around town going to banks are lets be honest they are in a way asking for it... we aren't concerned with the people doing the holding up of he bank, we need to focus on why those idiot customers hung around during the whole ordeal...

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