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Met again and ..?


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Have posted about my story here. Regarding a guy I met at my university. Whole story here - http://www.loveshack.org/forums/breaking-up-reconciliation-coping/breaks-breaking-up/639990-he-left-without-saying-goodbye


I saw him 2 months ago but I wasn't sure if he saw me. I think he did but he had looked away and he was also hanging out with a friend of his.


But 2 weeks ago we finally came face to face again. He was hurrying to class I suppose and it was already getting dark but we crossed paths again. I had not seen him initially as I was on my phone but then i looked up and saw him walking towards me. I saw that he was staring at me and he kept on staring until I saw him and we both had eye contact.


I never expected him to come back or even see him again as I was told he was gone but we met again. His expression was the exact same as it used to be. Curious and serious and he kept looking at me. I was so shocked to see him and it was so unexpected that I could not say a word to him.


I find it strange that he still recognizes me or remembers my face? If I am aware, he has no photos of me but that day, it clearly looked like he knew whom he was looking at. I do have his pictures as I had filmed and photographed him during the political rallies but I don't think he has.


I still like him a lot and I want to know if he still likes me so that i can use this as a basis to talk to him. What can you derive from this?

Edited by Noah22
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What I derive from this: You ran into a guy you used to go out with. He looked at you as he walked towards you, but that was it. He didn't reach out and speak. He didn't stop to talk. He went on his way without saying anything to you.


You're attempting to turn these crumbs into a full on romantic event where he wants to rekindle something with you. I didn't get that out of what you shared here.

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What makes you think he remembers you? He didnt even say hi, did he?


I read your other thread. It seems you are reading a whole lot into this that just isnt there. If he were interested in you he would actually speak to you.

Edited by Whodatdog
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What can you derive from this?

I derive that you have a lot to learn and if you don't do it quickly, you're in for some heartache.

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Lmao. Expected replies. It must suck to be such hateful and sad people wishing bad upon others huh? No wonder people say this site has people who will only try to ridicule and mock other peoples stories but claim their own are Romeo and Juliet.


Anyways, I dont care anymore because we met AGAIN today and we talked quite a lot. And he asked me out for a date. So we are going out on a date.


I am sorry to be rude but learn some manners and try to offer help with compassion instead of trying to dismiss another persons experience and preaching. How do you all even live with so much negativity.


I always thought I would get at least some uplifting response. Not sayimg I want to hear he liked me etc but outright dismissal of experience, not even reading properly and trying to pass off others as delusional is scary.

Edited by Noah22
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