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Evenings with your husband / wife

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Hi 11 AM, I am sorry but this is no way to live. You have to take back control and take back your life. Your wife is not going to change and will keep dishing out the same treatment and worse to you as time goes by. Remember the old song by Kenny Rogers titled 'The Gambler'. One of the verses went something like this. 'You should know when to fold em, know when to leave the table, know when to run'! It's time for you to run. Have your wife served with divorce papers and do it so that she is blindsided. Let reality hit her in the face like a bolt from the blue. There is a saying which goes like this. 'Even the worm turn'. It refers to a person who is bullied but does not put up a fight till a stage is reached when eben he or she rebels. You are being bullied by your wife and although your tolerance levels seem to be pretty high, I would not suggest waiting till you reach that stage. Just opt out of this marriage and let the chops fall where they may. Sorry if this sounds bizarre to you but at some point you have to take back control and please do not make your children the pawns in this game. If you pose her a problem your wife will get down from her high horse. You just have to set the wheels in motion. Right now you are in limbo. Warm wishes.

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I agree -she thinks she has all the power right now and calls all the shots - including when you sit on the sofa and who gets up at nigh time.


Time for action by YOU - quick, swift action to take YOUR power back.



File and serve her. Be sure to move any finances before she is served... otherwise she will drain all assets into her name only.


Once she's served - be cordial but aloof... let her sit on the thought of being without you for a while. Let her understand how she can get up at night after working all day. Let her understand how to make ends meet when she has to earn her own money!


Make life a little difficult for her - in order to instill a possible change in attitude!

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