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Young and cute

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I overheard someone talking about me the other day. He said in terms of the guys I go for I like them young and cute. Forget it if they're middle of the road in the looks department, and I also swing to the extreme other end and go for those who look like Lurch from The Addams Family. But I digress ...


I have been accused in the past (and yes some of these accusers are right, I do not argue), that I like the pretty boy or the handsome man. This I do not deny, but then again, what woman does not like a man like that? Not to mention men who like beautiful women. I've tried to get over this, truly I have. I tried going for someone who was "not my type", not so young and cute, and it backfired on me something terrible. Now true, you may be saying "it wasn't meant to be", and yes, absolutely it wasn't meant to be.


But I am trying to get past this want and need for the young and cute type and go for more substance. Suggestions?

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Do these young cute guys connect with you intellectually?


Do you feel like they understand you, and your being, and that you understand and connect with them as well?


We are all different, and have different preferences, turn on etc.


I have done the young and cute thing, and it was fun for meaningless sex.... But I never connected with them intellectually, and therefore never truly respected them, therefore there wasn't a possibility for anything more.


I have to respect a man, and feel respected by them to develop depth. And again, I never felt much of that with the young and cute crowd.

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Well just because you kept an open mind once and it didn't go well, doesn't mean that would be the same experience next time. It's a good 1st step out of your comfort zone.

I used to have 1 specific type also, but decided to leave my "comfort zone" and met some great guys that way. I focused on things I liked about them instead of things I wasn't so crazy about. I also developed a liking for traits I never did before... For instance I've had a thing for bald guys lately.. Lol. But that was a turn off to me before opening my mind more.

It doesn't mean you can't still favorite a certain type, because every one has turn ons that stick out more than others. But compromise with yourself and you will be surprised what you discover about your own preferences.

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I’m a guy so I’m not sure how much I can help, but young and cute is a very narrow taste in men.


For me, there are a wide variety of types of women I am attracted to. Young and stereotypically beautiful can be wonderfully easy on the eyes but not necessarily the most interesting to look at either.


Other types I find more interesting,


A little bit older and probably the young beautiful type at one time. It says to me someone who has experience in relationships, will be stable, and not lose interest easily or flake out but is still attractive.


A little bit nerdy, but still attractive underneath the nerdiness. I don’t know why, but a little nerdy in a woman I find very attractive. Haha It says “smarts” to me.


A little chubby but still attractive. This can be *very* hot!


A heart of gold. You know, that angel personality, especially with a bit of southern accent..It makes me swoon. I can forgive some real physical defects for this type.


Interesting facial features type. The type that has features that perhaps remind me of someone from another country. Just features that you don’t see all the time. It communicates to me someone who is interesting.


The sophisticated woman. The classy type. She may not be a sex bomb but she screams culture and a bit of high class. Very nice.


Foreign women but not necessarily the drop dead gorgeous types. Of course, it seems mysterious. But I also just like other cultures and learning about them.


So there you go mortensorchid. Maybe you just need to expand your idea of beauty. There are some very interesting guys out there with a lot going on. You don’t have to settle for unattractive, but just look for it in other types.

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If that’s your type then good. The issue I have is that you keep hearing from the media that women are more interested in “personality”or “intangibles” (whatever that is) over looks. I think both men and women first need to pass each other’s physical attraction test before a relationship gets off the ground.

Edited by Interstellar
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Well ,think we've found the problem.

Young and cute ain't usually very good long term relationship material l don't care what anyone says.

And it'll also turn a serious guy right off if that's out there because it doesn't make you very good relationship material either.

Well ,not unless your younger and cuter .


problem solved, that'll be 50 bucks :bunny::bunny:

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If that’s your type then good. The issue I have is that you keep hearing from the media that women are more interested in “personality”or “intangibles” (whatever that is) over looks. I think both men and women first need to pass each other’s physical attraction test before a relationship gets off the ground.


Yeah, that's me.


When you're attracted to the mind, a desire for the body follows on. Emotional attraction causes physical attraction.

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Don’t let your dating choices be shaped by the opinions of other people.


You like what you like.


As far as I’m concerned, that’s fine. You can find somebody that suits you in that demographic.

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