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I fear I may be getting boring.

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Hey so I don't know but I was reading another post here and figured you guys could help. I'm worried I might be becoming too boring around my girlfriend. I mean I am a nice guy, but nver thought I waas predictable. The only thing I'd say is predicatable is that I only see her on the weekend because I work a night shift and she lives 35 minutes away.


When I'm at her place I don't always sit with her, sometimes push her away. If we go out for dinner I'll only pay for hers if I feel like it. In person it's great, but for some reason talking online and on the phone...it's as if I don't have much to talk about. We do love each other, but I still doin't know everything about her so it's hard to find conversation pieces.


I think thisweekend I may try being more unpredictable / daring and ask some blunt questions about what I want to know, because we don't ever really have "in-depth" conversations, evne though I know we could. I can always make her laugh and smile, but it feels liek I'm missing something. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

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Get drunk. It will shut your brain up and make you do and say all kinds of stupid unpredicatable stuff.

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Originally posted by Link-80

When I'm at her place I don't always sit with her, sometimes push her away. If we go out for dinner I'll only pay for hers if I feel like it.


First off, I must say you should never push her away, and you should always treat her like an angel. Pushing her away will create doubts in her mind that you don't like to be around her. You should always sit with her especially in front of her friends, family, or just random ppl as it shows that you always want to be with her.


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In person it's great, but for some reason talking online and on the phone...it's as if I don't have much to talk about. We do love each other, but I still doin't know everything about her so it's hard to find conversation pieces.


Be bold, ask those questions. Share a little about yourself as well. A korny game I played with my girlfriend is the Truth Game... While it may seem childish and immature, it can be entertaining. Just remember to be open-minded and remind her that you love her despite what you learn.


When talking on the phone or online, you should just bring up random topics. When she shows interest in a topic, dive deeper into that topic. Discussion will develop. If you don't know much about the topic, research it sometime, and bring it up again later. Talking with your girlfriend is a memory game. You have to remember her hobbies, the things she has said, important dates, and HER FEELINGS.



Anyways, I tried to give you better advice than "Get drunk" as I believe if you tried to use alcohol to make yourself entertaining you are just asking for trouble... Oh, and my creditionals in relationships is only my current one and lots of analyzing of other's relationships. My advice may have a lot of flaws, but at least it is something for you to think on.


Good luck.

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you may be reading too much into it. unless she is giving you signs, or you feel she feels you are boring, i wouldn't make any drastic changes. maybe she likes you just the way you are...

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