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Best way to answer: WHY DO YOU LOVE ME??


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Okay this should be easy to respond to even when you are swept up in love, but what the hell is a good answer to this question???? Why do you love me?


All of you that have been in love have probably one time or another been asked this question, so how the hell when put on the spot do you answer it, and give a strong enough answer that you are supported all the way through it??? I've realized the answer, your parents are paying me so well..doesnt quite cut it..

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Well, I just try be honest and use nice metaphors when that question comes up. I try not to be too cliché, basically taking universally romantic things and adapting them to my otherwise flamboyant personality and our relationship.

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why is water wet, why does the wind blow... It's simply meant to be!


This is a stupid question and can't really answered with any answerd that make any sence. If you really want to you can just think about thinks you like about that person and then mention those ;)

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Basically this question is asking what makes me different form other women/men you've known? I'm sure most people can think of some Truthful answers - you have a big heart, you are self-aware, you have ambitions, you are passionate about life and various causes, you look for the best in everyone, you go out of your way to help people, you are open and warm, you are intelligent and wise, you make me laugh, you know how to make me calm and happy, you are so loyal and loving to your friends and family, you make sure to squeeze all the joy out of life, you are spontaneous and exciting, ( or alternatively ) you are stable and secure, you know who you are and of course the ultimate...you make me want to be a better man. :)

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Originally posted by texastapper

Okay this should be easy to respond to even when you are swept up in love, but what the hell is a good answer to this question???? Why do you love me?

This is always a loaded questions and should never be answered. It is sooo subjective, its like asking why do people believe in God? Just make up some standard generic answer like "I luvs you cause youre the best"

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There are too many reasons honey, I can't go into any details about one particular reason, that would take away from the others and they are just as valuable.


Loaded question my arse!

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"Why do you love me?"


My answer: Because you love me :p


Theirs not right or wrong answer to this question. You love someone because the way they make you feel and the way you feel around them. It's such a long explanation!

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Originally posted by Opium

"Why do you love me?"


My answer: Because you love me :p

thats a good one OPIUM....I always answer with something nebulous, mainly cause love is so nebulous. I would answer something like "Because you are you" or "Because you put steam in my stride" :laugh:

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When I was asked "Why do you love me?"


My answer was "Why not?" :p That seemed to satisfy him :)

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Originally posted by alphamale

thats a good one OPIUM....I always answer with something nebulous, mainly cause love is so nebulous. I would answer something like "Because you are you" or "Because you put steam in my stride" :laugh:


It works every time ;)

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That question's easy to answer. It's what you find attractive and endearing about that person, how they make you feel when they do/say certain things, and why you think the two of you are compatible.


The person asking the question most likely wants to know why they're special to you and to know that you couldn't just replace them with any stranger off the street. If I asked that question and got back a "because I do", I'd wonder whether the person was really in love with me or just the idea of being in love and I happened to be the first person available. Either that, or they're not very open and expressive. Either way, I wouldn't be up for being with a guy like that.

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Originally posted by Art_Critic

Because you pay me to !


How did you know that's how I get my bfs to stick around??

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a past girlfriend I had- I answered it before the question hit me.. for a special occasion I listed 100 things I DID love about her. and luckily after one not so great weekend together- she asked me.. and I pulled out the list (which was in her stash of love letter-esque type stuff she kept). Then with some balls, I stood there- told her to stop talking- cause she was all acting weird and read it off to her. she calmed down (anxiety attack from her work/family/etc) and we lived happily for a few more months lol.

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Originally posted by Dasani

and we lived happily for a few more months lol.

rofl, it probably shouldn't have, but that struck me as really funny! :)

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The best answer: "I'm wondering too!" :D


My BF asked me why I love him and I told him that it's a completely subjective feeling, I just fell in love with him, because we had a lot of fun and great sex together, and I think we're compatible, but it naturally comes down to listing his qualities so I listed them all.


Then I asked him the same question and he said: "You don't have so much time, you need to leave home in 7 hours!" I said: "Well I am sure you can think of at least one reason in 7 hours!" :D

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