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jst wana say....

slim lady

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can sum1 help me....i mean do u fink that women place more emphasis on interpersonal relationships than men??


please help me...



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I'm puzzled as to why you would be so desperate to have this question answered. The answer is pretty subjective...and hardly life threatening.


Overall, men are taught to appear macho and it does not appear macho if they seem to outwardly show excessive concern for relationships of any kind. That does not mean they aren't as important to men as women. As a matter of fact, I think men overall are more greatly affected by the break up of a romantic or other relationship than are women.


Men show weakness in the maintenance phase of a relationship mostly because by nature their focus is on other things, like work, school, sports, etc. This doesn't mean their relationships aren't very important, it just means that as a group they are trying to blend in to the whole of maleness and not seem "different."


Males are seldom as skilled as females in interpersonal skills because they are not taught as well. This is the fault of parents who, generation by generation, allow guys to go out and play football and ride bikes while the gals remain at home receiving such important training.


In my opinion, men are emotionally more volatile and vulnerable than women because they still have the basic emotional needs that are met in relationships...but women know better how to get those met while many men don't even have a clue.


Things are getting better. With the advent of books, newsletters, Internet sites like this one, television programs, etc. on the subject of maintaining and restoring good relationships, men are beginning the journey to a better understanding of their female side but it will be a very long time before they are fully as conscious as females about the importance to them of nurturing all kinds of relationships.


That's the way I see it.

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