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I am loving some of these replies, however some of them are avoiding exactly what I asked. You would not loose your partner through this hypothetical situation in relation to them finding out, as the situation guarantees they wouldn't. Are your answers still the same with this in mind?

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Originally posted by Horse

I don't want to do it once because if I got away with it once, I would be tempted to do it again and again and again...

Look HORSE, the question was if u had chance to have casual sex with a beautiful women AND there was zero chance of you getting busted.


I think most men would do it, even if they were in a "perfect" relationship already.

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No. I can't even seem to think about other women except the one that I am in love with.


That said, if it was Bettie Page circa 1950, I'd call my significant other and beg her to let me JUST THIS ONCE!!! Otherwise not a chance.

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I am in a perfect loving relationship, and no, I would not cheat on my wife ever. I would never hurt her like that. That is not to say that I don't look at other women and do not think about having someone "different" once in a while, and no, I do not fantasize about other women when making love to my wife. I firmly believe that my wife and I were made for each other. We were "meant to be" and I treasure that bond. Sappy as that may seem. :p

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Originally posted by alphamale

this is fine and dandy TUDOR but remember that if your wife or girlfriend had the chance to have casual sex with her favourite movie star or rock star or whomever and you would never find out then she probably would do it.


That's why we both have our top 5 celeb list that gives permission giving the opportunity for each of us so long as they are on the list! :D


But seriously I can think like that and have my doubts about her or I can believe in her that she woudln't do that to me any more than I would to her. It is a gamble, always is, but I'm not going to bet against her and I try not to give her reason to bet against me.

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Originally posted by sburtug03

I am loving some of these replies, however some of them are avoiding exactly what I asked. You would not loose your partner through this hypothetical situation in relation to them finding out, as the situation guarantees they wouldn't. Are your answers still the same with this in mind?



i'm still going with no i wouldn't

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i think some people may be missing the point. i understand this as there being no potential for you losing what you have...


only if their was no way of me hurting my SO. i think i would probably do it. i think she would too...


i have always considered myself on of the last honest people on earth. i have never cheated and am opposed to it, but it is merely the backlash that keeps me in check. it is a crappy thing to do to somebody. however, i am still human and if the ideal situation presented itself, i can not put it past myself. the perfect relationship may satiate your desire, but it cannot turn off instinct.


guilt is based on the potential damage done by your actions. if you take away that potential, i would not put it past anyone, man or woman...

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Originally posted by alphamale


Look HORSE, the question was if u had chance to have casual sex with a beautiful women AND there was zero chance of you getting busted.


I think most men would do it, even if they were in a "perfect" relationship already.


Yeah. I got that. Even if there was zero chance of me getting caught, it would change my relationship with my wife. I would be much more likely to do it again when things aren't perfect.


I had several similiar offers before my wife and got married. She live in England, I lived in a spring break town in Florida. Girls would come in town from other states and offer to give up the booty, then leave. There would have been almost no chance of my wife finding out.


Was I tempted... Hell yeah.


Did I do it... No.

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Originally posted by JS17 1-in your hypothetical situation, they are satisfied in their relationship and feel that they don't need anyone else when they have the perfect woman


we never have the perfect women :D


2-even hypothetically, it's hard to imagine that there is Zero chance of their S.O. finding out


not true. ONS are very hard to find out.




Yes, primarily.... At least, for me. I'll probably die of guilt by daybreak.


4-their past experience weighs a lot on their decision


You mean the momentum of the good ongoing relationship? Yeah, that's plays a big part, too.

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Originally posted by sburtug03

I am trying to understand men and no, not my boyfriend, men in general.


If you were in a perfect, loving relationship and you were offered sex with a beautiful woman, with a guarantee that your partner would never find out, would you?



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Very interesting that the ones who would cheat are unable to believe that there are people who sincerely wouldn't. It's the 'everyman' syndrome: "I am male; I think X, therefore all males think X". I'm not sure why it's so hard to imagine that different humans may actually think totally differently - even ones from your own gender.

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Originally posted by elijahBailey

we never have the perfect women :D




not true. ONS are very hard to find out.




Yes, primarily.... At least, for me. I'll probably die of guilt by daybreak.




You mean the momentum of the good ongoing relationship? Yeah, that's plays a big part, too.


1- of course, I was talking about in her hypothetical situation but even if you had a great woman you might be satisfied enough that you wouldn't look outside of the relationship (??)

2 - ZERO

3 - Along with guilt I was thinking respect....Hopefully you respect your S.O. enough to not do this to them.

4 - I was actually thinking more along the lines of how people have mutated their past experiences (prior to ms. wonderful) to affect their views and judgement (ie. bitterness *ahem, nobody in particular*, forgiveness, anger, etc)

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Originally posted by Outcast

Very interesting that the ones who would cheat are unable to believe that there are people who sincerely wouldn't.

the vast majority of the ones who said they would not are lying or not being totally honest. this is typical "nice guy" behaviour :)

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Originally posted by sburtug03

I am trying to understand men and no, not my boyfriend, men in general.


If you were in a perfect, loving relationship and you were offered sex with a beautiful woman, with a guarantee that your partner would never find out, would you?


To be honest I'm sure my body would love to but my mind, and soul would not allow me to. The guilt would eat me up and kill me.


I'm not male btw. Just thought I'd answer your question.


Look HORSE, the question was if u had chance to have casual sex with a beautiful women AND there was zero chance of you getting busted.


I think most men would do it, even if they were in a "perfect" relationship already.


That is because men look at sex differently then most women do. (Most) Men breathe, eat, sleep and s*** thoughts of sex 24/7- The need to get laid is just always there - And so because of that, comes temptation. If there is a chance of getting laid without being caught - Experiencing sex with someone else, some men may go for it. They don't think about it or the consquences of their actions or think how much they're hurting their SO. That is why (most) men can separate love and sex.


Just my 2 cents. Not saying I'm right or wrong...

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Originally posted by sburtug03

I am loving some of these replies, however some of them are avoiding exactly what I asked. You would not loose your partner through this hypothetical situation in relation to them finding out, as the situation guarantees they wouldn't. Are your answers still the same with this in mind?


My answer is still the same. I would not cheat on my wife, no matter how beautiful the woman was. I would be tempted, but I would not do it. It is about loyalty and respect.

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almost every woman I've dated in the past 10 or 12 yrs has brought up the question of "whould you ever cheat on me alpha?". My reply has always been honest and up front and been totally respect by them. I basically tell them that I may or I may not, I really don't know and I cannot predict the future and I dont' fully trust myself when it comes to women.


not one woman broke up with me because of that answer. i actually endded up dumping many of them instead :laugh:

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Originally posted by alphamale

the vast majority of the ones who said they would not are lying or not being totally honest. this is typical "nice guy" behaviour :)


Has nothing whatsoever to do with being a "nice guy". Maybe I answer the way I do because I am married. Were I not married, I might feel different and say yes, if my SO would not find out sure, but to me, marriage means something very special. Maybe I a fool and my wife would answer differently, but like your own signature says, "There are exceptions to everything".

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Originally posted by alphamale

the vast majority of the ones who said they would not are lying or not being totally honest. this is typical "nice guy" behaviour :)

Give me a break. I believe them......


What hasn't been mentioned is the possible consequences.


Disease, she could become a stalker, (had a few, I should know), blackmail, pregnancy just to name a few.......


I believe these guys who are saying no, and I'm with them.......we know what we have, and there's no friggin' chance in hell we'd jeapordize it.


That's total honesty, something you may not be used to AM.

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Originally posted by Moose

That's total honesty, something you may not be used to AM.

actually, MOOSE, a more honest answer would be "maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't" or soemthing like "i don't know how I would react in that situation".

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Originally posted by alphamale

actually, MOOSE, a more honest answer would be "maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't" or soemthing like "i don't know how I would react in that situation".


Alpha .. My answer is No !!


I am telling you the truth and being Honest ..


And there is no Maybe I would or Maybe I wouldn't .. We are different people ..


see.. The thing is I do know how I would react .. Just like you know how you would..

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Originally posted by alphamale

actually, MOOSE, a more honest answer would be "maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't" or soemthing like "i don't know how I would react in that situation".

It's not hard to imagine being in a situation like this ALPHA.....give these people some credit.


I've actually been SET UP in a situation like this from a girlfriend testing my loyality. Needless to say, I passed......


I think your experiences has you wired to the point where your reality is full of doubt and disbelief, you can't trust anyone.

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Originally posted by alphamale

almost every woman I've dated in the past 10 or 12 yrs has brought up the question of "whould you ever cheat on me alpha?". My reply has always been honest and up front and been totally respect by them. I basically tell them that I may or I may not, I really don't know and I cannot predict the future and I dont' fully trust myself when it comes to women.


not one woman broke up with me because of that answer. i actually endded up dumping many of them instead :laugh:


I would not go out with someone who answered that way. I always ask if they have ever cheated in the past and since I have never met a man who hasn't cheated (besides my dad and if you dare comment on this i'll hunt you down) I usually consider the situation they were in at the time and how they feel now about their decision.


Just a side note so I don't get bashed by the men here, I only know one woman besides myself that has not cheated (of the friends that I've asked) and she's my most promiscuous friend.

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Originally posted by Moose

I think your experiences has you wired to the point where your reality is full of doubt and disbelief, you can't trust anyone.

No, i'm just going by male human nature. Most guys will do it if they know there are no negative ramifications and that they would not get caught. :)

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Originally posted by JS17

and since I have never met a man who hasn't cheated (besides my dad and if you dare comment on this i'll hunt you down)


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