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Originally posted by alphamale

No, i'm just going by male human nature. Most guys will do it if they know there are no negative ramifications and that they would not get caught. :)


Alpha.. Most guys don't steal either.. Most of the time that they walk into a store they could steal and get away with it but they don't




And JS .. I have never cheated on either a gf or a wife .. Ever..

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Originally posted by Art_Critic

And JS .. I have never cheated on either a gf or a wife .. Ever..


Oh I wasn't saying that there aren't men that don't cheat, I believe that there are. I'm just saying I haven't personally come across any (besides one :) ) Actually, that may not be true, I had one boyfriend in college that I never asked but would put money on that he never cheated, he was still afraid of girls :laugh: . Anyone else I've ever dated has.

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Some men don't care whether or not they would have ramifications or get caught- they just have something called morals and character.

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Every person...male/female alike are capable of cheating. I don't put it past any one because we all make mistakes and we all have weak moments in our better judgment. I have cheated before, will I do it again I like to think I won't and do what I can not to put myself in compromising situations where I could but they are every where and hard to avoid. Is that me trying to be the good guy, ya I guess it is. But better to try and be a good guy and fail than purposely be bad just because you don't think you can be good.


Like I said any one is capable of cheating even my wife. But I don't sit around thinking about her doing that or wondering if she is because that only weakens my reasons for being faithful to her. I've been cheated on and I let it jade me for a long time in the trust factor. But the strongest most successful relationships always have a great level of trust. So as long as you are looking for some one to cheat on you, you are undermining your relationships ability to fully mature and be all that it can be.

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i personally would never cheat even if there was a 100% chance I wouldn't be caught. First off I can't imagine finding a girl hotter then the one I have now. Besides that, it would just be meaningless sex, which once you have the real thing just doesn't compare

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Originally posted by Star Gazer

My thoughts exactly. :)


star aren't you the one that can't get laid???.......JK :p

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Originally posted by Star Gazer

My thoughts exactly. :)

bingo! and that is why chicks love me cause i am honest with my feelings and thoughts. I call it like I see it and i try not to sugar coat stuff. the fact is that MOST men, if given this opportunity to cheat with its ideal circumstances....WILL SLEEP WITH THE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.


Period and end of story. And any man that says he would not is most likely bullshytting you.

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Originally posted by alphamale

Period and end of story. And any man that says he would not is most likely bullshytting you.


Alpha you are just bullshytting us !! .. :laugh:

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Originally posted by alphamale

bingo! and that is why chicks love me cause i am honest with my feelings and thoughts. I call it like I see it and i try not to sugar coat stuff. the fact is that MOST men, if given this opportunity to cheat with its ideal circumstances....WILL SLEEP WITH THE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.


Period and end of story. And any man that says he would not is most likely bullshytting you.


Not arguing this point...Ideal circumstances would be hard to turn down but when are the circumstances ever ideal?

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Period and end of story. And any man that says he would not is most likely bullshytting you.


speak for yourself AM.......most will but not all and it doesn't mean they are bulls***ting you

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Originally posted by JS17

I have never met a man who hasn't cheated (besides my dad and if you dare comment on this i'll hunt you down) I usually consider the situation they were in at the time and how they feel now about their decision.


I don't know many who haven't, but I like being different.


I can't honestly say that I would never cheat, but I wouldn't do it as long as my relationship with me wife is good, or there is hope for making it good again.

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Originally posted by Horse

I can't honestly say that I would never cheat, but I wouldn't do it as long as my relationship with me wife is good, or there is hope for making it good again.

yeah, see HORSE....now the above is an honest statement and that is what I want to hear. No one can predict 100% certainty how they will behaving in any hypothetical situation unless that situation actually happens in reality. :)

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Originally posted by alphamale

yeah, see HORSE....now the above is an honest statement and that is what I want to hear. No one can predict 100% certainty how they will behaving in any hypothetical situation unless that situation actually happens in reality. :)


You also cannot predict with 100% certainty that they would react in ANY direction.. Including with your opinion..


Alpha it seems you are saying that 100% of men will cheat .. How can you make those claims when you just made the claim that

no one can predict 100% certainty..


You confuse me ...

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Originally posted by Art_Critic

Alpha it seems you are saying that 100% of men will cheat .. How can you make those claims when you just made the claim that

no one can predict 100% certainty..

I never said 100%, I said MOST would

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Originally posted by alphamale


yeah, see HORSE....now the above is an honest statement and that is what I want to hear. No one can predict 100% certainty how they will behaving in any hypothetical situation unless that situation actually happens in reality. :)



But there is a huge difference between just exisitng in a mariage and being perfectly happy in one. I understand the temptation, but I think guys who are happy in there relationship and still cheat are stupid.

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Originally posted by Horse

I understand the temptation, but I think guys who are happy in there relationship and still cheat are stupid.

overall very few men and women are truly happy in their relationship or marriage. its just a fact of life we need to accept.

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I believe most men think they would not but if the opportunity were to happen ( and remember this is the hypothetical situation where there would be no consequences...STD`s, pregnancy, SO finding out) they would go for it. I remember a saying that said something like we judge ourselves by our ideals and judge others by their actions. Most of the reason men don`t have affairs has to do with the fear of consequences.

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Originally posted by Neptune

I believe most men think they would not but if the opportunity were to happen ( and remember this is the hypothetical situation where there would be no consequences...STD`s, pregnancy, SO finding out) they would go for it.

This is exactly what I was trying to point out NEPTUNE

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can i just say to the men that said yes...why would you be in a relationship in the first place if at the first sign of an attractive woman you are going to cheat.you might as well be single.the whole point of being in a relationship is because you want that person and only that person.


if you think you would cheat at the first sign of an attractive woman its simple dont get in a relationship :) lol

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Originally posted by Toni_no12002

if you think you would cheat at the first sign of an attractive woman its simple dont get in a relationship :) lol

I dunno, I think most women would cheat on their men if the had a chance to have casual sex with their favourite movie star and not get caught or have any other negative ramifications :)

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If I really loved her and things were great then I would not mess it up. I would feel guilty and like a heel for cheating on her. Now if things were bad or rocky then I probably would indulge.

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These hypothetical threads usually shed more heat than light--especially when the hypo involves everyone's favorite whipping boy: Infidelity.


Life, fortunately, is much richer, varied and textured than hypos on public message boards allow. Alpha, I salute your honesty and your humanity. As for all of you message board moral perfectionists, keep on basking in your virtue for public display. One day, though, when the PC is off and you're living as opposed to typing life just might surprise you. :)


Alpha, keep up the good fight. ;)

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I`ve been on another message board for a bout 2 years now. It has nothing to do with relationships. But, for a long time I was greatly inspired by how idealistic and fairminded everyone seemed to be.


In time it became obvious there had to be more to it. My life experience with people just didn`t match the idealism. So, I am convinced that after all is said and done, even when posting totally anonomous, we present our idealized selves. Even when we don`t actively seek to do so. By leaving out enough of the real self within, and when others who know us all too well are not there, the idealized self starts to take shape.

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