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erogenous zones...

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I'd like to know some erogenous zones for men. I know the main area, but what other places can make a guy hot. Men and women welcome to answer. THanks.

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Erogenous zones can vary extensively from person to person. One person may like his toes sucked, another may think that's disgusting. what's important is that you are open with your partner and you explore the various areas together. But then again, if this is just with some guy, why does it matter as long as you get your rocks off?


I found out my husband's erogenous zones through exploration - I think that's more fun.

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I agree with Paulie, the neck and ears are major ones. Let's see...


* Neck: kissing his neck, or just breathing on the back (nape) of the neck


* Ears: whispering something erotic in his ears, breathing deeply, licking or kissing them


* Lips: oh boy...you can really turn a man on by giving wonderful kisses


* Inner thighs: kissing, caressing...


Basically, before you even get to his genitals, you can really drive a man crazy by exploring all the other parts of his body.

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Sucking on the earlobes;


Lingering kisses on the side of his neck that gently draw his skin slightly into your mouth;


A finger pressing in just behind his scrotum;


A feather-light touch high on his inner thighs;


A light caress at his hairline at the base of his neck;


Short-lasting attention to his nipples;


Humming while you do some sucking down-south will turn him on too - - it makes a vibration against his skin.


And just about anything that pleases his eye is going to draw quite a pleasant reaction from him.

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