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knuckle deep

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knuckle deep

This girl i really like and have a huge crush on caught me at work in my office pickin my nose. She just kinda looked at me funny and walked off. DAMN, thats sucks. I was knuckle deep and she caught me pickin my damn nose. How embarrassing. I guess i should just forget about asking her for a date or hitting on her, huh? LOL

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If it makes you feel any better, I am sure that everyone has done at least one embarrassing thing in their life in front of their crush. In eighth grade, many moons ago, I was looking in my bag for something for my crush and he was leaning over my shoulder and I didn't know and hit him in the face with a book. Hey, we still continued a friendshup for a few years, and he gave me my very first slow dance with a boy.


If it's menat to be it will be, and just remember we ALL have experiences like that INCLUDING her!!


Good luck!

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