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Your Age For First Times

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What age did you go on your first date?


What age did you have your first kiss?


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?


What age did you lose your virginity?


What age did you get married for the first time?


How many people have you had sex with?

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First date: 15

First kiss: 14

First boyfriend: 14

Lost virginity: 15

First Marriage: 20 (divorce: 24)

Had sex with: somewhere in the high teens.

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What age did you go on your first date? 18


What age did you have your first kiss? 18


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 18


What age did you lose your virginity? 25


What age did you get married for the first time? n/a


How many people have you had sex with? 1

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first date......when i was 12 he took me to a place called timbertown they had draught horses and pioneer houses and pulled boiled lollies and log cabins and a steam train......i am a pioneer buff...luved it.... unfortunately there was another young lady who kept following us saying when are we having lunch.... i couldnt stuff her in the closet before we left....my lil sister ...im kidding...i luv my lil sister always have.....the date was with my step dad.....and after timbertown he took us both to fantasy glades they had little gnomes there....adn the best ice cream evaaahhhhh



first kiss........at birth...my mum



first bf......

.i was engaged at 10 my first ever bf and my only i believe very serious offer i have had.i have had quite a few......... my first one came...


underneath my grandparents home with rollie a huge black goofy dog at my feet and jackie, a dalmation cross on the other side of me it was cool and quiet i had little chairs set up under there ...for me and my sister...so we sat...the three of us.... him on my lap.....and while i told him stories for hours nursing him.....he asked me to marry him when he grew up..he was quite small for his age and terminally ill...he felt about as heavy as a four year old......i believe he was six or maybe 7 with huge chocolate eyes full of pain.....he died that year....my grandparents were helping his parents through it all.....they remained forever friends... i wish i could remember his name...i can't..and his parents names so i could look them up ....i must ask mum....sorry talking to myself.... ringing my mum now ...lol


first marriage ......i have never married......



the other two questions......im sorry please leave a message after the beep and ill get back to you ...........have to ring my mum...byeeee...deb

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What age did you go on your first date?

I was 19 I think. I don't do the dating thing, and have only been on 4-5 more dates since then.


What age did you have your first kiss?

14 or 15.


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?



What age did you lose your virginity?


What age did you get married for the first time?

Haven't, and don't plan to get married.

How many people have you had sex with?

Around 16.

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What age did you go on your first date? 14


Age when first kissed a girl? 5 (no tongue), 12 (with tongue)


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 5 (in a naive way), 12 (when starting to explore sexually)


Age lost virginity: 17


Age first time married: 5 (it lasted for a day & we're still friends), otherwise 19 (divorced at 21 & we aren't friends)


Number of people had sex with: circa 25, who except for my ex-wife and current 2nd wife were all when I was aged 21 through 25.

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What age did you go on your first date? 14


Age when first kissed a girl? 5 (no tongue), 12 (with tongue)


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 5 (in a naive way), 12 (when starting to explore sexually)


Age lost virginity: 17


Age first time married: 5 (it lasted for a day & we're still friends), otherwise 19 (divorced at 21 & we aren't friends)


Number of people had sex with: circa 25, who except for my ex-wife and current 2nd wife were all when I was aged 21 through 25.



Age first time married: 5 (it lasted for a day & we're still friends)

...i am smilin...that is all.....
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What age did you go on your first date?


What age did you have your first kiss?


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?


What age did you lose your virginity?


What age did you get married for the first time?


How many people have you had sex with?






-Never. Niemals. Nada. Jamais.

-Too much info, not that many.

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What age did you go on your first date?


What age did you have your first kiss?


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?


What age did you lose your virginity?


What age did you get married for the first time?


How many people have you had sex with?









23 (divorced him when I was 31) married again 50 ish


Prefer not to answer :)

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What age did you go on your first date? 15 I guess


What age did you have your first kiss? 15


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 17


What age did you lose your virginity?* 17


What age did you get married for the first time? NA


How many people have you had sex with? 13

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What age did you go on your first date?


Gosh not sure, we called it "hanging out" as teenagers.


What age did you have your first kiss?




What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?




What age did you lose your virginity?


Just shy of my 16th birthday


What age did you get married for the first time?




How many people have you had sex with?



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What age did you go on your first date? 18


What age did you have your first kiss? 17


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 20


What age did you lose your virginity? 25


What age did you get married for the first time? N/A


How many people have you had sex with? 3

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What age did you go on your first date?


What age did you have your first kiss?


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?


What age did you lose your virginity?


What age did you get married for the first time?


How many people have you had sex with?


- Kinda hard, bc I did some "movie theater" dates in middle school. But we will call it 15.


- Ugh, 13.


- lol, 5??? For real, 15.


- 16


- 24


- 5

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What age did you go on your first date?

I don't know really - proper date probably 17


What age did you have your first kiss?



What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

15 - stupid school bf/gf. Serious girlfriend - 19


What age did you lose your virginity?



What age did you get married for the first time?



How many people have you had sex with?


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What age did you go on your first date? 18


What age did you have your first kiss? 18


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 18


What age did you lose your virginity? 18


What age did you get married for the first time? 20


How many people have you had sex with? Too embarrassed to tell :D

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What age did you go on your first date? 15


What age did you have your first kiss? 15


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 15


What age did you lose your virginity? 23


What age did you get married for the first time? 23


How many people have you had sex with? Way too many, and all post-divorce in my late thirties. Went off the rails a lil bit.... Lots of regrets.

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What age did you go on your first date?




What age did you have your first kiss?




What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?




What age did you lose your virginity?




What age did you get married for the first time?




How many people have you had sex with?



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I also struggled with the 'first date' question. Because we were teens, we just hung out. I didn't go on actual dates till we had disposable income.

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First date: 27 (if you count some ambiguous hangouts: 24)

First kiss: 27

First bf: 27

Virginity: 27

First marriage: never:cool:

Sexual partners: 3

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I also struggled with the 'first date' question. Because we were teens, we just hung out. I didn't go on actual dates till we had disposable income.


True. It's hard to call it a date when we were ''hooked up'' by friends at 15 yo during the school break and kissed on our way home. Not a date involving money or activities. Mostly sitting on a bench and talk and kiss for hours.

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Do tell us as well GuitarGuy7.



What age did you go on your first date? 22 years old. I was so nervous, I shaked badly.


What age did you have your first kiss? Well when I was 6 years old, I was in my kindergarden class and I saw a pretty girl, I walked over to her and randomly kissed her on the lips. I got send to the principles office but it was so totally worth it.

What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? When I was 11 years old, I had a Runescape girlfriend. Her name was Amanda411. One day we were out in the wilderness, and she killed me and took all my stuff not without saying "btw ima dude irl"


What age did you lose your virginity? Life ****ed me the day I was born.


What age did you get married for the first time? Marriage?! Ain't got no time for that!



How many people have you had sex with? My hand, my fleshlight, my toothbrush. So I guess that makes it 3.

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What age did you go on your first date? ~14 I think. My sister drove us around on the date lol. It didn't go well. :laugh:


What age did you have your first kiss? ~16, not really sure on this one or which chick it was.


What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 17? Wow, a lot of this has escaped me. I'm not even sure which one it was.


What age did you lose your virginity? 16. This one I'm sure about because it was my best friend's older sister. She was 19.


What age did you get married for the first time? 30-35ish? It's the only time so far.


How many people have you had sex with? 46 actual intercourse. Throw another ~10ish if you include only BJs. One day a friend and I counted our respective partners when we were in our 20s and I've added to my baseline since then. I remember several but forgot most of them. His number was significantly higher than mine at the time.


My memory is so foggy of such things. But I clearly remember the 3 women I was truly in love with and carry the pain of them dumping me to this day....though the deepest was my last RL.

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