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a really strange and weird question

just a guy

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just a guy

Is it just me or do testicals squirm around and move by themselves? Its almost like somethings alive inside trying to get out. Kinda like putting your cat under a blanket and watching him trying to find his way out. I know this is weird, i was just was bored and looking at my testicals and noticed that they was moving. Am i crazy?

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It's a question I shouldn't admit to knowing the answer to but apparently it's normal for them to move by themselves. I was sneaking a peak at my guy, billy, the other day and his do that too... the cat/blanket is an accurate description - - I was fascinated to see the rotating and reshaping.


Just wondering... He said he can't actually feel the movement - - can you?

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It's completely normal. Sperm are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature, and stuff...it's just your body adjusting, and producing the stuff that's produced down there.

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