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On A Scale Of 1-10, How Attractive Do You Think You Are?


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Edited by Cookiesandough
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Attractive enough to not be repugnant and unattractive enough to be forgettable. There are some professions where such an image is a strong asset ;)


From history, attractive enough to have a few girlfriends and get married and unattractive enough to get dozens to hundreds of rejections over a lifetime.


I wonder what she thinks? ;)

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Well according to rateme reddit, i'm pretty average so I guess that's where I stand.


I'm probably anywhere from a 4 to 6.


Some people suggested I get a better haircut and maybe try growing some facial hair so I might try growing a beard once I get my haircut.

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I look at attraction like this. How one grooms themselves/Dress style, fitness level.


So grooming I am 10 out of 10. Dress style a 10. Fitness. I am about an 8.


So that is a total of 28 divided by 3 = 9.3. So I am 9 in looks. If I can control my eating a little more and loose more weight. I think I will top out of 9 in looks. I am 207 lbs and I should be 180/190 lbs. something like that.

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I also think that looks are only a part of the package. For me when I look at a woman. She has to convey softness and warmth towards me at a minimum. Before I think anything more than her being the average woman.

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I don't like assigning myself a number since beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have dated a couple models and catch women checking me out, so I believe I am moderately attractive. I am confident enough to approach women, but I also understand that looks do not guarantee interest.

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If we are talking just looks alone, I'd give myself a 5-6, as others have posted if I could lose some of the extra weight I've acquired, I'd bump it up to a 7.5


But I also have a wicked personality and a kind soul going for me. I care deeply for other people, even those I've never met.


I'm smart, (educated and street) and well established in my career...so if I combine all those things together, I'd say I'm a solid 8

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I’m modest. Plus my elbows are just slightly little too pointy ....


Ha! I thought this said eyebrows and I was wondering what that meant. I was just about to come back here and quote it to say that mine are uneven. Uneven eyebrows that is. I think my elbows are fairly even ;). Although not identical since I had surgery on one.

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Ha! I thought this said eyebrows and I was wondering what that meant. I was just about to come back here and quote it to say that mine are uneven. Uneven eyebrows that is. I think my elbows are fairly even ;). Although not identical since I had surgery on one.


Haha I know that feeling. Gotta remind myself “they are sisters, not twins!” :p

Edited by Cookiesandough
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Haha I know that feeling. Gotta remind myself “they are sisters, not twins!” :p


But I AM a twin so I get doubly confused about it! :lmao::lmao::cool:

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You know.... I don't know how attractive I am. I am honestly confused by it.


I always considered myself an ugly duckling, and in high school I was definitely not cute. I was the smart one, my sister (who cares very little resemblance to me!) was the pretty one.


These days, I don't know. I can enter a room and turn heads if I am really feeling myself (seriously, the way you carry yourself makes a difference), and other days I feel average (5) at best.


Most of the time if someone says I am pretty, I figure they are just trying to get in my pants.


But there are two instances that happened recently that stand out to me:


Husband and I were out having dinner - and a woman at a table next to us, leaned over and said "she is beautiful" to my husband.


And another time, again out, a man told my husband "you really know how to pick them, she is gorgeous".


So.... I don't know. Were they just really kind strangers? Swingers? Or did I really look that good those nights?

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I look at attraction like this. How one grooms themselves/Dress style, fitness level.


So grooming I am 10 out of 10. Dress style a 10. Fitness. I am about an 8.


So that is a total of 28 divided by 3 = 9.3. So I am 9 in looks. If I can control my eating a little more and loose more weight. I think I will top out of 9 in looks. I am 207 lbs and I should be 180/190 lbs. something like that.


So God given beauty isn't part of the equation for you? I would give facial structure at least 5 points and the other things together form the remaining points.

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You know.... I don't know how attractive I am. I am honestly confused by it.


Likewise. I wouldn't begin to know how to rate myself. When I look in the mirror, I just see me.

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normal person
So God given beauty isn't part of the equation for you? I would give facial structure at least 5 points and the other things together form the remaining points.


Considering he admitted he's at least 20 lbs more than desired, yet still gave himself an "8" for fitness should tell you something about the veracity of the rating.


Food for thought for all the guys out there: https://www.google.com/search?ei=xSlyWqSZJ6Hr5gK2m7_oDg&q=men+overestimate+their+attractiveness&oq=men+overestimate+their+attractiveness&gs_l=psy-ab.3...10715.10715.0.11027.

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