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not enough sex!!!!!

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just a quick question......


it is normal for sex to die down in a relationship after being together for a while? i have been with my boyfriend for over two years and we don't seem to have sex as much or for as long as we used to. i am wondering if he isn't as attracted to me anymore or what?! is this normal????!!!!!!

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It's pretty normal for most couples...to one extent or another. Sexual activity rarely if ever keeps the level it had during the initial stages of the relationship.


There are techniques you can use to stir some renewed passion in the sex department. Use your imagination and creativity. Some nice new lingerie and exploration of tehnique and positions may go a long way.


But don't think this is an unusual situation.

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Oh yeah this is really normal, especially if you have started living together. I think in relationships you tend to have ebbs, sometimes it is all on and then sometimes you cant really be bothered for quite awhile. Also your emotional state seems to affect it.

It's pretty normal for most couples...to one extent or another. Sexual activity rarely if ever keeps the level it had during the initial stages of the relationship. There are techniques you can use to stir some renewed passion in the sex department. Use your imagination and creativity. Some nice new lingerie and exploration of tehnique and positions may go a long way. But don't think this is an unusual situation.


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