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Am I too jealous?

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I've been going out with my boyfriend for over 2 years now, and he's always had a lot of female friends. It bothered me a little, but I never made a big deal about it. Now he's going back to college, and he has tons of new female friends. This would be fine, but he's always telling me how incredibly beautiful they are. And one of these beautiful women is now his "new best friend," and he spends hours talking to her. He keeps telling me that nothing will happen, but it is really starting to bug me. I confronted him on this, and he said I was being too jealous. Do I have a legitimate complaint, or am I just being neurotic?

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Lena, if it were me, I would feel the same way. I don't know what your relationship with your boyfriend is like, but I do know that if he is spending a lot of time with another female, then he is leaving his heart vulnerable to betraying you. However, I gather you are not engaged in any formal committments so there is not much you can do. If it were me, I would simply tell him that I did not think that spending so much time with another female was healthy for our relationship and I would prefer it if he stopped spending so much time with other women. If he doesn't want to, well than you had better rethink the relationship.

I've been going out with my boyfriend for over 2 years now, and he's always had a lot of female friends. It bothered me a little, but I never made a big deal about it. Now he's going back to college, and he has tons of new female friends. This would be fine, but he's always telling me how incredibly beautiful they are. And one of these beautiful women is now his "new best friend," and he spends hours talking to her. He keeps telling me that nothing will happen, but it is really starting to bug me. I confronted him on this, and he said I was being too jealous. Do I have a legitimate complaint, or am I just being neurotic?
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