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Boyfriends mother died and he completely shut me out


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This is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through in my life. So, I have been dating the same guy since we were 13 year old. We dated all throughout highschool and we were madly in love. We were best friends and were absolutely perfect for each other. We became a part of each other's families- spending holidays together and trips and what not. I can't even describe the kind of love we had, it was so solid and incredible and we were both so happy and excited for our future together. Neither of us doubted for a second that we would end up together forever. We are now both in college at two different places, but we both agreed to stay together through it because we just couldn't live without each other. Like I said, we are best friends.

But a few months ago, his mom died of cancer and he was SUPER close to her, and I was pretty close to her as well. For a little while, he leaned on me. He expressed his sadness, wanted to be with me all the time. Even before she died, he wanted me to go to the hospital with him to see her. I felt so awful for him and did everything I could to be there for him. I gave him all of my love, I was patient when he got angry, I was understanding when he didn't feel like talking. I really did everything I could.

But he slowly started to withdraw from me. Just me- not his family or friends or anyone else. He was on and off for a few weeks about wanting to be with me. One day, he would tell me he needs and wants to be with me forever, and the next day he would spit awful mean things at me for no reason at all. Until he eventually became extremely cold toward me and every time we talked he was terrible to me and said everything he could to hurt me.I couldn't understand it at all because he had always been an absolute sweetheart to me, never saying a mean word about me. He finally said he no longer wants to be with me at all, he said he wants to be alone forever. He doesn't want to marry me or anyone at all and he never wants to have children. Getting married and having kids was always something we were both so excited to do together some day. He told me when he broke up with me that he just doesn't care about me at all and doesn't think about me anymore. He deleted all of our pictures together and hasn't talked to me in about 2 weeks.

My heart is so broken. I have only ever been with him and our 5 year anniversary is coming up. I have no idea what to do because he is truly my best friend and I only have a few other not-super-close friends. So I feel totally alone. We were SO happy and perfect together. He was so in love with me and told me every day how amazing I was and how much he adored me. Now it feels like he hates me. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? If I give him time to cope and grieve do you think he will come back? or are his feelings permanently changed? I have tried so hard to be everything for him but he just doesn't want anything to do with me. It hurts so badly. Any input would be appreciated.

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