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Hurting inside

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Hurting inside

What will be the disadvantage on my part if i have a girlfriend who grew up from a broken family,say her dad have many mistresses and she only lives with her mother? and why is it disadvantage?



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i think:


because she has a stereotype of men - when u'r little, u think that all men/women are like your parents ... so to her, men are evil ppl with mistresses who leave their families ... she's gonna be distrustful of u for a while ... it'll take some time to show her that u r not like her father ...


good luck =)

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People often replicate the general behavior in their family of origin. There are exceptions. For instance, if there was not a lot of affection expressed in a family, it's doubtful a person from that family will express affection later on.


If someone grows up in a highly dysfunctional family environment, it's a pretty safe bet that will continue in their lives unless they receive a lot of education and therapy...and they have to be very open to that as well.

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