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To Tony, Paulie and Chick

Miss Mojo

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hi tony and chick,


i was just scrolling through the thread (the 'shutup') caught my eye), and i have to say that what chick said is true....we don't all live like the crocodile hunter.....we live like paul hogan.


we're all ocker buggers down here, mate (isnt' that right, chick??).....remember the catchy, "that's nodda knife, THIS izza knife"?....that was the first time most australians had ever seen a knife...technology is so advanced. it was getting tiring sharpening sticks all the time!!!


yeah, i've actually had a couple of drinks and i think we all know i have a pretty bad case of verbal diarrohea at the moment!! :)


that thread just reminded me of a guy i met when i was in london....he honestly did believe us aussies were backwards. he was surprised i spoke english. i played up on his ignorance by telling him i ride a kangaroo to work everyday and put my bush tucker in his pouch....the really rich people ride horses, the middle class ride kangaroos.....man, he was sooooo dumb! i kid you not, he went red when i told him i was having him on and australia is just as civilised as the u.s., the u.k., etc etc.


....ignorance is not bliss!!!!! it's embarrassing!!!!


by they way, i know you guys were only playing along, so the ingorance comment is not directed at any of you!


actually, paul hogan and the crocodile man are pretty shoddy examples of the average australian....whatever we would like to call the 'average australian', they are definitely not it!!!! besides, i haven't wrestled a crocodile since i was a kid.


by the way, chick, if you don't mind me asking, where in oz are you??


mm :)

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And I really, really love that whole "outback" approach that you all have to life. Do you know the crocodile hunter? Do you chase after furry animals, snakes, and wild birds, too?


I love Australians, they look fun. What else do you guys do besides hunt, sleep in the outback, and eat with army knives?





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First, I'm told Santa is not real. Then somebody tells me the tooth fairy is phoney. Later I learn there is no Easter Bunny.


Now, you aussies are telling me that the Crocodile Hunter and Crocodile Dundee, my BIGGEST heroes, are just flaming idiots and not typical of aussies at all.


Where does it stop? What am I supposed to believe in? I guess the next thing you're going to tell me is the President of the United States doesn't have all his marbles...well, poo on all of you...I already know that!!!

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