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inner child work

a lost little girl

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a lost little girl

i have recently started doing some inner child work and find it very interesting. my sister sent me some pictures from when i was quite young. i had actually forgotten and seen very few pictures of myself when i was young because they are all on slides.


so, i got these pictures now and i look at them and talk to her and try to make her feel safe in an insecure and unsafe feeling world to me.


my question is this: how do i make her feel safe with me when i don't feel safe my self? i don't mean safe as by the elements of life, i mean safe by feeling strong in myself, self-esteemed in myself, confidence in myself, trust in myself, etc.


i have alot of anxiety attacks and alot of hangups and fears about leaving my boundries of home. so i can i help her when i'm a wreck myself? i don't know if i'm making sense, i hope so, cause i don't know what to do.


here is an example of what i'm talking about: i have a job where i travel within the city, but sometimes i get them far away from home and i don't want to take them but i do cause i need to work. sometimes i can travel this other times i can't, now when i can't, i talk to her and tell her i will protect her, assuming it is her feeling insecure and threatened to make this trip, but how can i convince her when i as the adult feel the fear?


please help! maybe the less said the better, i hope i'm making sense. this is only one example tho, i'm talking about everything that generates fear, anxiety, insecurities, doubt, jealousy, etc. how do i calm her when i am a wreck myself? any advice? thank you.

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a lost little girl/i guess this is the wrong board
i have recently started doing some inner child work and find it very interesting. my sister sent me some pictures from when i was quite young. i had actually forgotten and seen very few pictures of myself when i was young because they are all on slides. so, i got these pictures now and i look at them and talk to her and try to make her feel safe in an insecure and unsafe feeling world to me. my question is this: how do i make her feel safe with me when i don't feel safe my self? i don't mean safe as by the elements of life, i mean safe by feeling strong in myself, self-esteemed in myself, confidence in myself, trust in myself, etc. i have alot of anxiety attacks and alot of hangups and fears about leaving my boundries of home. so i can i help her when i'm a wreck myself? i don't know if i'm making sense, i hope so, cause i don't know what to do. here is an example of what i'm talking about: i have a job where i travel within the city, but sometimes i get them far away from home and i don't want to take them but i do cause i need to work. sometimes i can travel this other times i can't, now when i can't, i talk to her and tell her i will protect her, assuming it is her feeling insecure and threatened to make this trip, but how can i convince her when i as the adult feel the fear? please help! maybe the less said the better, i hope i'm making sense. this is only one example tho, i'm talking about everything that generates fear, anxiety, insecurities, doubt, jealousy, etc. how do i calm her when i am a wreck myself? any advice? thank you.
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Read John Bradshaw's book, "Home Coming"


Also, re-post your question up top of the thread, you'll get more responses this time

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a lost little girl

thank you paulie, i will check into that book too. it seems i may be doing alot of reading in this near future as tony has also recommended some books on anger. thank you again.

Read John Bradshaw's book, "Home Coming"


Also, re-post your question up top of the thread, you'll get more responses this time

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