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Sex and the City.. and my evening solliliquy

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What do you guys think of the TV series "Sex and the City?"


I find it witty and higly entertaining, but I don't think it is very realistic that women like these in real life today have so many casual sexual encounters as these ones. I wish the character "Samantha" would deepen a bit.


Maybe if you were a single, beautiful woman with a well-paying job and your own appartment in New York city you could afford the time for all these adventures.


New York sure takes the cake for being one of the most exciting cities in the world. Everytime I've been there, something magic has happened (eg. Unbelievable coincidences, meeting people at the right time, place, ect.)


I love riding the subway and seeing so many different kinds of people... hearing Spanish, Russian, Jive talk...It all seems to flows together so nicely and there is never a boring moment. I've gotta get do something soon..

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What do you guys think of the TV series "Sex

and the City?" I find it witty and higly entertaining, but I don't think it is very realistic that women like these in real life today have so many casual sexual encounters as these ones. I wish the character "Samantha" would deepen a bit.

I've only watched a couple episodes, and yes they did indeed have their share of sex.

Maybe if you were a single, beautiful woman with a well-paying job and your own appartment in New York city you could afford the time for all these adventures.

lol :) Yeah a couple of my friends that live in NYC remind me of "sex and the city". Some of them are living a pretty wild life. But since I live near DC, I know a handful of friends who live in the nice parts of DC (Georgetown/capitol/White House/govt area) that can also relate to that show.


In big cities, we run into all different kinds of people, and so many of them, on a daily basis. So we have such a greater opportunity to meet someone that we're interested in, no matter what our interests may be. Thus, a higher chance of hooking up with them.


And I've also noticed that people tend to be bolder and not as shy about approaching someone. Most of us likely won't see these people again. Half the people don't even live in the city, they may just be traveling through, working, taking a once-in-a-blue-moon trip through the city. Now compare this to a small town, not as busy, and a greater chance of knowing more people, seeing them more often. etc..

New York sure takes the cake for being one of the most exciting cities in the world. Everytime I've been there, something magic has happened (eg. Unbelievable coincidences, meeting people at the right time, place, ect.) I love riding the subway and seeing so many different kinds of people... hearing Spanish, Russian, Jive talk...It all seems to flows together so nicely and there is never a boring moment.

Yes, NYC is a nice place. I'll be visiting there for a weekend soon. Maybe something magical will happen to me while I'm there lol :). Do you live in NY?

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Do you live in NY?


I wish!


No, I'm from Vancouver, Canada located in beautiful British Columbia. I am proud to brag about this


city with its natural beauty right on the Pacific Ocean with mountains and forests all within quick city reach. It is kind of like the San Francisco of the North with a with a huge Asian population made up of wealthy entrepreneurs who immigrated from Hong Kong in the early ninties. There is also a large East Indian minority and a recent flux of immigrants from Central America.


Unfortunately, despite the magnificent beauty of the city, there isn't a huge market for the arts over here and people are generally more distant afraid of letting loose and being spontaneous.


For example, giving spare change to homeless people is not something the average person would do. I never used to do it until I returned from my travels.

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i was actually discussing this with my mum today. i think it's a very witty show and i love the way it takes the mickey out of being single and thirty something. i know of people who, when the show first aired, thought, "i'm not watching crap like that!". but it's one show i definitely don't miss.


i have never met anyone who sleeps around as much as samantha, but i'm sure there are people who do. she is the one character who i get the most laughs out of. very witty, but i don't understand why she isn't so exhausted all the time!


i've never been to new york, unfortunately, but one person who i know that has been there described it as the "hub of the world". i think the diverse places are the most interesting ones, for sure.

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