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i like him!!

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I think I'm attracted to my dance partner ... I don't know - i've known him for a while, and been dancing with him for like a year ... but lately i find myself looking for extra ways to touch him & stuff ... and i get =( when i dont get his attention ....... actually, i think that's what got me curious about him - he's very unpredictable w/ how much attention he pays to me ... anyway, the point is ... he lives in a diff. town & a normal relationship is impossible and not necessary. we're not very compatible, i just find myself attracted to him. also b/c he's caring ... like most guys dont bother to ask if i'm cold or thirsty or anything else every now n then ... (maybe just _my bad experience, hehe) ... anyway - I enjoy the dancing, i can see myself in a casual relationship w/ him down the road, but nothing serious, so i dont want to have any talks with him. My Qn is - how can I tell if he's attracted to me at all?? He touches me, but it might be just cuz he's used to doing it while dancing .... we go out alone, but again - it's cuz we go dancing ... he's friendly - but again, we're friends... he'll talk about guys&girls stuff with me... which sometimes makes me think he only sees me as a friend ...


SO. GUYS, any signs I can look for?? He's pretty innocent relationship-wise. He knows I have a bf. ... (no i dont consider liking him cheating, cuz this is pure physical and casual, while i love my bf) ... we have even discussed the probs between me & my bf and him & his ex ... do those discussions make us friends, 100%??


also he told me once "if i like a girl, i'll make a move" ... i might be wrong since it was in a discussion, but i felt like that was towards me ... as in he sensed my interest and informed me that he isn't ...


Plz help me untangle this a bit ....... THANKS!

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It sounds like he is waiting for a response from you....a sign. He is feeling out the waters. If you love your BF why would you want some casual relationship? To me something that is going to last is much more important than something casual. Something might be missing from your relationship with your boyfriend. Something that has sparked an interest in this guy. He fills some void left by your boyfriend. Again sometimes flirting can fuel your fire for your significant other. Turn you on and then you go home to the BF. I think you need to ask what it is that attracts you(is it a purely physical attraction) and if that is what you are looking for. Then if it is ask yourself if that physical thing is worth jeopardizing your current relationship for. If it is then pursue the attraction and see where it leads you but be honest with your bf, that maybe you want to see other people. Good luck!

I think I'm attracted to my dance partner ... I don't know - i've known him for a while, and been dancing with him for like a year ... but lately i find myself looking for extra ways to touch him & stuff ... and i get =( when i dont get his attention ....... actually, i think that's what got me curious about him - he's very unpredictable w/ how much attention he pays to me ... anyway, the point is ... he lives in a diff. town & a normal relationship is impossible and not necessary. we're not very compatible, i just find myself attracted to him. also b/c he's caring ... like most guys dont bother to ask if i'm cold or thirsty or anything else every now n then ... (maybe just _my bad experience, hehe) ... anyway - I enjoy the dancing, i can see myself in a casual relationship w/ him down the road, but nothing serious, so i dont want to have any talks with him. My Qn is - how can I tell if he's attracted to me at all?? He touches me, but it might be just cuz he's used to doing it while dancing .... we go out alone, but again - it's cuz we go dancing ... he's friendly - but again, we're friends... he'll talk about guys&girls stuff with me... which sometimes makes me think he only sees me as a friend ... SO. GUYS, any signs I can look for?? He's pretty innocent relationship-wise. He knows I have a bf. ... (no i dont consider liking him cheating, cuz this is pure physical and casual, while i love my bf) ... we have even discussed the probs between me & my bf and him & his ex ... do those discussions make us friends, 100%?? also he told me once "if i like a girl, i'll make a move" ... i might be wrong since it was in a discussion, but i felt like that was towards me ... as in he sensed my interest and informed me that he isn't ... Plz help me untangle this a bit ....... THANKS!
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