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Confused soul needs help!!

Confused soul

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Confused soul

Dear Readers,


I have been going out with the most wonderful woman for the


last 2 months, and now all of a suden she wants to break up.


We have had our problems and stufff, but i always thouht there was a silver lining. later, i realised what the problem was. she will be leaving te country in 5 months time, and she is confused for the future. I know deep down inside her feelings are as string as mine, but i dont know how to get it out. part of me wants to be patient and wait for her to make the descision by herself and part of me wants to call her and talk to her. what should i do? i believe that fate brought us together, and i wont let her go.. i love her very much and dont want to lose her. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated.

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I think you should tell her exactly how you feel. And that you would like to remain in touch with her. Exchange email, address, phone numbers, etc. Then you will have to let "fate" take over.

Dear Readers, I have been going out with the most wonderful woman for the last 2 months, and now all of a suden she wants to break up. We have had our problems and stufff, but i always thouht there was a silver lining. later, i realised what the problem was. she will be leaving te country in 5 months time, and she is confused for the future. I know deep down inside her feelings are as string as mine, but i dont know how to get it out. part of me wants to be patient and wait for her to make the descision by herself and part of me wants to call her and talk to her. what should i do? i believe that fate brought us together, and i wont let her go.. i love her very much and dont want to lose her. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated.
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