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To Misty re your thread on revenge

Miss Mojo

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well, seeing that your post was in response to my saintly post, i thought i would take the time out to respond.


so what if i'm proud that i don't feel the need and *never* have felt the need to get revenge on a guy all because things didn't turn out the way i wanted them to. i didn't realise this was so amusing and that pride could qualify you for sainthood.


WHOPDEE FREAKING DO IF I FEEL PROUD!!!!! i'd rather be proud that i got on with my life than be proud that i just had to get even. i have never given a rats arse about revenge because it's not in my nature. and if you have such a hard time believing that, then it's a shame.


laugh all you want at some of these comments. but did it ever occur to you that not everyone thinks like you do? no, probably not and that's probably why you find it so funny....how cynical. just as an example, cheating is a subject i feel just as strongly about as revenge...i have never cheated on a guy and never even come close, and i never will. it goes against everything believe in. do you find that hard to believe? does this mean i'm perfect? i think not!


your're right....we're just voicing our opinions on the subject. you're right....may people are like this and won't admit it. but did you ever think that many people ARE NOT like this and will happily admit that??? no one is saying they are ALL maturity and wisdom here....i certainly didn't here anyone say that. we all make mistakes and do stupid things, but revenge was the topic and question, and quite frankly, revenge for me would be pathetic. i could care less about getting revenge on a guy who dumped me.


sainthood? yeah, sure. i would definitely qualify as a saint. saint mojo...it has a nice ring to it. hopefully the country will get another public holiday because of my perfect, non-flawed existence (ummm...NOT!!)


i have never judged you or thought you were a bitch because you want revenge. i can understand why revenge would make some people feel better, but my point was, revenge is not my style.


no need to be so cynical about it, just because the majority on this site don't agree with revenge.


just my two cents worth. frankly, i can't be bothered writing any more on this topic for now. i'm going to take the time to write a comedy, seeing that you were so amused by some of my comments (obviously). i think i might call it, "revenge of the nerds" (oh, damn...that title's already taken).

Personally, I'm so thrilled that all of you have voiced your opinions on revenge. Hey, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion on any subject. However, I'm laughing at some of the comments, because I've read how proud those of you who have disagreed with me and Pamela are of yourselves. You're all patting yourselves on the back, saying what a wonderful person am I - that you're sooo mature, sooo got it together, and soooo eager to think that neither of us have anything else to do. Remember - when you point the finger at someone else -you have 3 fingers pointing back at you. And, I'm so happy that none of you who disagreed with us have never, ever done anything or even entertained the thoughts that Pamela and I carried out. Maybe we should erect a shrine to each of you because you all sound so perfect, and have it altogether. I think that you surely must be ready for sainthood!!! For your information, many people are like this - only they don't admit it. cluey enough
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This revenge thing is pretty childish and somewhat redneck, in my opinion.


But some people had parents who were taught a certain way and they passed it down. Others just don't give serious consideration to how they spend their time. Still others are frozen emotionally in a childlike ego state and never grow up.


Revenge is indefensible. However, trying to change some minds is like telling a child that cake, candy and ice cream isn't good for them. They just don't buy it...and they don't want to.

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