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How to propose to my girlfriend abroad?

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I have been thinking of proposing to my girlfriend, the only problem is she’s in the Philippines. I met her through an international dating social event, we started corresponding and we really hit it off. It’s been a year now and we’ve met 3 times. I do feel that it’s the right time. I would love to marry her and have her here with me.


I know most of you would say that I should come to her and propose... but my business is keeping me busy and traveling just for the weekend is not worth the expense. Is it really not advisable to propose to her through Skype? I know it’s a question most of you would say “obviously!” Most of you would probably advice me to just wait until I have free time to travel. But I have a plan…


I plan to propose to her through a Skype video call and then have her apply for a fiance visa so she can come here soon. To be honest, I have yet to learn the requirements and regulations for visa application, if I am required to be in the Philippines with her when she applies then I will wait until I have free time to propose to her face to face. But if it’s not required, I would love to expedite things so I can have her here with me. The sooner the better!


If we go about that route, I plan to propose to her again… properly and romantically when she gets here. What do you guys think? Will it be alright or will it be a bad move? I need advice!!!

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Ugh. Do not propose any way other than in person. If you truly love her why are you going to deprive her of one of the moments every little girl dreams about? Are you really that selfish? Over Skype she should say no to you on principle.


How are you going to build a life if you are too busy to make her a priority?


Talk to whatever agency that introduced you about all of the immigration issues which accompany your plan. Read the thread on here about the woman who's Mexican BF can't get a visa. Read the other thread from the entitled guy who is mad that his mail order bride won't be an on demand baby factory for him.


These international love affairs are not all they are cracked up to be.


That said if you are thinking about marriage, make her a priority. If you can't or won't do that, you have no business marrying.

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You also need to have lengthy discussions about what her expectations will be, where you will live, whether she will be sending money back to her family and whether she will be expecting you to pay for them to come to wherever she is at. My cousin married someone that he only met 2-3 times there too. She sends all her money back to family and when he lost his leg in an accident and was in the hospital, she used the insurance money and sent that home too.


So not saying everyone is like that, but their culture is very different from ours. Maybe it's not too different from your own though. Just be sure you totally understand her customs and expectations before you get into something. Talk about money until there's nothing left to talk about it. Talk about if she'll work and if she does, what she'll do with the money, if she'll pay half the household.


If you can't get face to face with her, don't propose. It's too soon anyway. You've only seen her 3 times.

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