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Depression and no sex

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Another lonely day...well not lonely really but...living partner batlling depression and anxiety due to alcohol addiction recovery ...i love him but i dont know how to deal with it anymore.He is a great guy.Works like 50 hours or so and goes to classes to finish his engineer mechanic diploma...i dont fantasize about other men...just every now and then about one of my exes...and is just comes and go but lately its been a stronger feelling...I really want a life with my boyfriend current.But i want him.sexually and emotionally as well.I have plans for us to be together very long time but if theres no intimacy im scared we wont make it...we both in early 30 s

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I'm sorry you're going through this :(. How long have you been together? How long has he been in recovery? Is he completely sober?

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Sober for almost two years.Just finished treatment last month...


Was he abusing something else besides alcohol? Why does "batlling depression and anxiety" equate to no sex? And how can he be finished with treatment if he's still in such a dysfunctional state?


Mr. Lucky

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Your live in BF told you he wants to be alone. He's not interested in fixing this. Just find yourself a new place to live & then find a new guy to build a life with.

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Was he abusing something else besides alcohol? Why does "batlling depression and anxiety" equate to no sex?


Both depression and anxiety can do a number on ones libido. If depression can make someone not want to get up out of bed in the morning, or live another day, I can see how it would hinder ones sex life.


That, and many drugs used to treat this conditions have a known side effect of killing sex drive.

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Hi June,, if you're salivating for this one particular ex then why is he an ex? Also, since you are not bound by vows to your current BF then why are you hanging on to him? I thought dating was all about test driving a relationship and if the test fails you bail. If you want to inflict self injury then that is another thing otherwise kiss your current BF goodbye and go look for another more suitable one. Best wishes.

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