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thanks tony! one more question

angel eyes

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angel eyes

Thank you for your response it makes me feel better i would like to share with you one of the reasons on why i felt a little bit uncomfortable. a month ago my boyfriend and i were having communication problems one day that we were supposed to move an hour back for the daytime saving stuff,he forgot to move the time on his watch and picked me up an hour late! he said he fixed the clock when he missed church so i thought that if he had switch his clock how come he was late well i told him that i was gonna let it slide this time but that if he was late next time i wasn't going anywhere with him, he felt bad and started thinking if i was the right woman for him because if i was going to react the same way i did when he comes late from work then we would have problems. I told him i didn't wanted him to take me for granted and he explained that he switch his room clock but not his wrist watch so he forgot about the time,well i was surprised to know that he was reconsidering if we can be together as in marriage but he also mentioned a few other things about my personality that were hurting him like me being alittle bit cold to him or playing mean jokes after our discussion we finally worked things out and started to communicate better but i still feel paranoid because with the comment i made about the neighborhood i felt like he probably will reconsider marrying me at the same time i didn't want to bring the subject on how he reconsider marrying me for that comment i made a month ago and i did! I know i made a mistake by bringing up that old subject but i want to be able to comment what i feel. He is sweet and always lets me be me i just want to talk to him about how i feel about this and don't know how. He's my first serious boyfriend we both have zero experience having a serious relationship but were both adults. What can i do?

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Dating is a learning process. Until the two of you know each other really well, it may be difficult to automatically understand what the other is trying to communicate unless it is made very clear or explained.


Act as normal as possible and express yourself the way you want to. Just be sure you explain yourself clearly so things can't be misinterpreted. In time, that won't be a problem.


Don't worry so much about whether this guy will marry you or not. Enjoy the relationship for each moment and let everything else take care of itself. If you can't get to a point where he stops taking things the wrong way, you may be better off with a guy who is more mature and understanding.


That's the purpose of dating. It doesn't always work out in the first relationship we have. As a matter of fact, it seldom does. All this is just a process of learning and it takes time. Be patient with yourself.


Always make sure people clearly understand what you mean to tell them and why. Then don't worry about it.


If your guy doesn't realize you're a nice person, that's his problem. He should always know that you have good intentions in what you say. Give him time to learn that if he hasn't already.

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