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Parents want me to break up with my boy friend.


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Please HElP ME.


need some advise. Please help.


I am 20 years old. I have been dating this guy for 7 months. My parents hate him and wish for me to break up with him. First of all let me tell you about my man. He is 21 years old, and he is in a wheel chair. He has a disease called muscular disofiend. I am not sure if I even spelled that right. The only thing that he can not do is walk. He does not have the full blown disease. His brother has it as well but his sister does not. His family compelely adores me and likes me ALOT. My parents and my little brother say that I am messing my life and that I am much better off without him and that he will never amount to anything and that I am just wasting my time. I try and tell them how complety in love I am and how happy I am. He treats me like a goddess he is just so amazing I can not describe it, he has treated me the best out of every guy I have dated. He believes and supports me through everything. I tell him everything we are so very very comfortable with each other. He makes me a better women. I have given him the streghten to re learn how to walk and he is making progress. We push and support each other like no other. He sends me roses buys me things treats me so well. He would die for me and I would die for him and I buy him things and its just so perfect. Then there are my parents again telling me that I don't know what I want and they want nothing to do with Adam and I. It hurts me all the time and my brother doesn't help he will make jokes and I never thought that my family would be like this. I guess the people they talk to agree with them and people I have talked with agree with Adam and I. I don't know what to do anymore. I even told my parents that we broke up but we did not but its not working. I love him so much and he loves me very very much. I know my parents want what is best for me but Adam is so caring and takes amazing care of me and he loves me like no other man has ever loved me before. He tells me how amazing and how wonderful and beautiful I am,he makes me the women who I am now. I know they want was his best for me but I think I know myself little bit better then they do. Please help!!!!

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Is there more to this story that you're not telling? Can you put yourself in your parents shoes and describe what they might be seeing that is negative about your relationship? The reason I ask is because based upon what you have said, I can only conclude that your family is being shallow, closed-minded and selfish.


You can't really do anything to change their behavior. You can only change your reaction to it. Whenever they say anything that tears down your boyfriend or your relationship, you can say something like "I hear you, but I don't agree. I love <boyfriend's name> and have no intention of leaving him. I hope that someday you will be able to support me and embrace my choices, but until then, I must go on with my life and avoid contact with you and others who do not support me.

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