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Not everybody has a good family. Some people have abusive parents or were raised by addicts. There's a reason we have organizations who forcibly remove kids from homes where they are being abused or neglected. Look at that sick family in California who chained the kids to their beds & didn't feed them.


I'm glad your family is important to you but it's unfortunately not a universal truth.

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I think I've only known one person who was on such close terms that they could live with their family off and on. But in truth, the daughter was their caretaker to some extent, health problems and all that.


A normal and healthy step in becoming an adult is to want independence from your mother and father to become your own person. Anyone who doesn't do that, their parents shirked their duty to raise them to adulthood. It's normal beginning usually as late teens to start pulling away from mother's apron strings and to reject being under their control. Most people I knew couldn't wait to leave home and afford a place of their own. Doesn't mean you don't love your parents, but you can't stay a baby under their wing forever and expect to be a happy adult.

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Economics does play a role in the delay of flying the coop. I moved back in with my parents after college while I was in grad school.


I sort of moved back in with them in my mid-30s. I was living about an hour away when I got a job closer to them for a lot of reasons -- dream job, they were getting older, great money etc. So I bought a house but there were delays on more delays with the closing. The commute from my apartment to my new job would have been almost 2 hours in the morning with traffic so I kept my apartment I shared with my then BF & went "home" on weekends but Monday through Thursday I stayed with mom & dad for about 5 months. After 10 years on my own that was a tough few months for everybody.

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